[Voice] - Sorry about all the privates; Zack's not really in the mood for a lotta public talking.

Jan 16, 2011 23:59

Private to the Housemates

Hey, I might not be home for a few days. I've got some stuff I need to take care of on my own. Try not to trash the place too badly while I'm gone.

Kunsel, if you guys find Dawn, can you tell me immediately? Please? Just leave a voicemail; I might not be checking the Forge for a bit.

Private to Elena

I need a favor. I want you to set up a fight for me; don't care who just as long as they're strong. Really strong. Strong as or stronger than I am. Got it?

Private to Irene

I need to cancel our date. I'm sorry. [And he almost says more, but he bites it back.]

kunsel, !zack fair

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