>> 4 {audio}

Jan 15, 2011 02:51


{a lazy inhale, and a slow Italian drawl}

Fuggendo tutte di paura piene,
una gran piova viene.
Qual sdrucciola, qual cade,
qual si punge lo pede:
a terra van ghirlande:
tal ciò c’ ha colto lascia, e tal percuote:
tiensi beata chi più correr puote.
Sì fiso stetti il dì che lor mirai.
ch’ io non m’ avvidi, e tutto mi bagnai.I dislike what I ( Read more... )

spike, sakura haruno, dawn summers, !malfatto, bellatrix lestrange, joker

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Comments 45

lestrangestone January 15 2011, 15:58:58 UTC
They rarely have anything useful to say. But they are rather quick to give over their homes when frightened. Or threatened. Acquiring work space should be easy.


malfattore January 15 2011, 22:49:14 UTC
I've considered it, though I have my eye on a two-level in the city that doesn't appear occupied. Not too far in, but fair enough for living atop and a business below.

We shall see. If I can avoid sharing a building with other people, I'll be content.


girl_unlocking January 15 2011, 16:01:15 UTC
What are the townsfolk saying? I-is it really bad?


malfattore January 15 2011, 22:52:09 UTC
They seem irritated that their attempts at fibbing are failing miserably. One woman in particular threw several pieces of footwear at a man who apparently could only repeat "I ONLY SCREWED HER ONCE... TWICE... DAMN... GODDAAAAAMN", followed by an array of obscenities.


girl_unlocking January 18 2011, 13:13:53 UTC


...that's a little more information than I wanted, but my bad for asking.


Thanks for seeing me, though. I think it helped? [A little.] And I hope you find a bigger place, because yeah it was kind of cramped but it's not like I can really talk when I have muffins all over my floor.


malfattore January 18 2011, 20:09:58 UTC
Not at all "your bad". I'd have asked, too.

... why are there muffins all over your floor?


samianscar January 15 2011, 17:10:07 UTC
"I bathed and everything"?


malfattore January 15 2011, 22:53:06 UTC
Che cosa?

Good... for you?


samianscar January 17 2011, 05:14:51 UTC
You said it, not me. That's what e tutto mi bagnai means, in my book.


malfattore January 17 2011, 19:41:43 UTC
You may be illiterate. It's nothing to be ashamed of.


[voice] sucker_punches January 15 2011, 17:40:38 UTC
I've noticed it too. Something weird's going on. It usually does when the mist acts up.

You're a doctor?


[voice] malfattore January 15 2011, 22:53:49 UTC
The mist? That... fog? What do you mean?

And yes. You are?


[voice] sucker_punches January 16 2011, 04:27:05 UTC
That fog, yes. Whenever it spills into town, something happens. There've been diseases, monsters, hallucinations... forced honesty is new, though.

I'm-- [not. Wait.] sort of.


[voice] malfattore January 16 2011, 04:59:45 UTC
It's something to tread carefully around, anyway. {For others. Not him. Nooo-ooooo. But wow, the place gets more and more bizarre every day.} Overall, I believe I'll stop questioning the function of this city. There seems to be no use trying to apply my home logic.

{Sort of?} How can one be "sort of" a doctor?

What is your name?


Voice circus_bones January 15 2011, 19:56:48 UTC
Now that's a sad little song.

[And yet he can't bring himself to dislike it. Mainly because...well, there's familiarity in sadness.]

So yer a doc? That's good.


Voice malfattore January 15 2011, 22:56:57 UTC
It can be, depending on how you look at it. A sad song if you live it, perhaps. A useful tool if you learn from it.

{Rarely has the doctor been sad, though he can understand where one might extract such an emotion from the lines.}

I am. It's served me well in the past, and now here. I don't believe we've been introduced. You don't sound familiar...


Voice circus_bones January 16 2011, 02:40:42 UTC
Ah, yeah, it always comes down to which side of the hill yer on.

[He laughs a little. When he speaks again, his voice has perked up a little, his showmanship returned.]

Then allow me to do just that! I am Joker, ringleader of Anatole's very own Circus! I imagine a good many of your patients have had their breath taken away by yours truly!

[He laughs a little.]

Not fer good, of course.

[At least...not here.]


Voice malfattore January 16 2011, 03:04:13 UTC
{The voice, the presentation-- it almost reminds him a particularly irritating clown he knew back in Venice. The name, though, suggests otherwise. Cahin was never shy to let it be known who he was.}

Of course.

So. Joker, hmm? I wasn't aware there was a circus here in Anatole, aside from what... has apparently disappeared overnight. Where is it, exactly? {Or is it in his head? Doc should look into psychiatry as a side project.}

Out of curiosity, what puts you on the sad side of the hill?


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