>> 4 {audio}

Jan 15, 2011 02:51


{a lazy inhale, and a slow Italian drawl}

Fuggendo tutte di paura piene,
una gran piova viene.
Qual sdrucciola, qual cade,
qual si punge lo pede:
a terra van ghirlande:
tal ciò c’ ha colto lascia, e tal percuote:
tiensi beata chi più correr puote.
Sì fiso stetti il dì che lor mirai.
ch’ io non m’ avvidi, e tutto mi bagnai.I dislike what I ( Read more... )

spike, sakura haruno, dawn summers, !malfatto, bellatrix lestrange, joker

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girl_unlocking January 15 2011, 16:01:15 UTC
What are the townsfolk saying? I-is it really bad?


malfattore January 15 2011, 22:52:09 UTC
They seem irritated that their attempts at fibbing are failing miserably. One woman in particular threw several pieces of footwear at a man who apparently could only repeat "I ONLY SCREWED HER ONCE... TWICE... DAMN... GODDAAAAAMN", followed by an array of obscenities.


girl_unlocking January 18 2011, 13:13:53 UTC


...that's a little more information than I wanted, but my bad for asking.


Thanks for seeing me, though. I think it helped? [A little.] And I hope you find a bigger place, because yeah it was kind of cramped but it's not like I can really talk when I have muffins all over my floor.


malfattore January 18 2011, 20:09:58 UTC
Not at all "your bad". I'd have asked, too.

... why are there muffins all over your floor?


girl_unlocking January 18 2011, 23:47:24 UTC
We're opening a shop soon! Me and Alphonse. He's my roommate, B-F-F and business partner.

It's going to be full of edible treats and alchem...ical stuff.


malfattore January 19 2011, 02:38:21 UTC
Fair enough, that makes sense.

Except... bee eff eff.


girl_unlocking January 19 2011, 03:02:50 UTC
Oh. Best friend forever!

Which is actually kind of stupid when I think about it? I can't really say one of my friends is better. Or best. They're all pretty rad.


malfattore January 19 2011, 03:45:07 UTC
If you opt for one friend over another and award the "best" such a title, how do you... keep friends at all? No one likes to be a mediocre friend forever.

I dislike this social hierarchy.

[And he's not asking what "rad" means. She's giving him a headache.]


girl_unlocking January 19 2011, 22:47:02 UTC
I was thinking the same thing. Hence the stupid. [Sighs.] It'd be so much easier if I could just be friends with everyone, but they keep trying to kill my sister, or cut me open or ...they just end up evil.


malfattore January 20 2011, 04:27:14 UTC
[Cut her open? Neat!] What's so special about your sister... or you? If you don't mind my asking.

Don't bother with everyone, my dear. Find one or two of your best friends forever and cling to them. Maybe keep another pair in the background as alternates should the primaries desert you.


girl_unlocking January 21 2011, 02:21:33 UTC
She's a vampire slayer. The vampire slayer. [If you don't count Faith. Which she so DOES NOT.] Kinda comes with the job.

I'm just the...key. Uh. Spunky. Spunky sidekick sister. And we live on a Hellmouth. Boca del Infierno? So evil? Pretty hard to miss if you're us.

A-alternate friends? [She never thought about it like that before.]


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