001 ✿ video;

Jan 06, 2011 20:00

[ The feed seems to have accidentally gone live, since it opens to the corner of a table. It's a little unsteady for a bit, and eventually, you can hear a quiet voice in the background. ]

... Wait, 'video on?'

[ The view abruptly spins, and a young woman's face comes into focus, brows knit. ]This technology isn't quite the same as what I'm ( Read more... )

ukitake jyuushiro, uryuu ishida, dawn summers, kaien shiba, angeal hewley, !miyako shiba

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Comments 71

[ video ] 1/2 heartbetween January 7 2011, 02:34:03 UTC
[The first thing that can be heard is a soft gasp of surprise. In all the time he's been here, he never thought he'd be lucky enough for the Door to bring his wife here. He hadn't really thought about it at first, when he still wanted to find a way home, but even after he found out what actually happened, he hadn't expected it.]


[His voice shakes a little, because this is really the Door's best gift of all. The explosives and the picture of his siblings were wonderful, but it couldn't compare to one of his family being really here.]


[ video ] 2/2 heartbetween January 7 2011, 02:41:47 UTC
Miyako. [He blinks away the forming tears and grins brightly at the screen.]

Welcome to Anatole. We're not anywhere near Soul Society or the human world anymore. And that device is called a Forge.

[And quietly, almost a whisper]

....You're here. You're really here.

[And they can be together here, now.]


[ video ] 1/2 soulbetween January 7 2011, 03:29:14 UTC
[ It's an incredible comfort just to see Kaien's face. Miyako's relief is visible in the way her shoulders relax and the smile melts into her expression. She speaks quietly, herself. ]


[ His explanation doesn't begin to illustrate how either of them wound up here, much less both of them. Still... she won't complain about not being alone. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't hoped that he'd be here, too. ]


[ video ] 2/2 soulbetween January 7 2011, 03:29:58 UTC
[ The bliss is short-lived, though; it's been a long time since he could blindside her with one of those sun-bright smiles. The tightness in his voice gives it away.

The trouble is, she can't imagine why he'd cry. Unless - she really had died, and....

Cautiously, softly: ]

... What is it?


girl_unlocking January 7 2011, 04:58:00 UTC
[Hm. Shiba?]

I ...I know a Shiba! Do you know Kaien? And nobody remembers coming here, it's part of ...well, coming here.

Here is Anatole.

[Hollow. That's what ...Ichigo talked about fighting, wasn't it? And Yachiru!]

I ...think the door really likes your world, too! I'm Dawn, by the way.


soulbetween January 7 2011, 06:05:20 UTC
[ Kaien? Miyako perks a little. This girl must be a friend. ]

Kaien is my husband. [ Her smile is warm, diffusive. ]

It's nice to meet you. Are there many people from my world here?


/b-backdate! girl_unlocking January 13 2011, 01:43:42 UTC

[This just keeps happening, doesn't it? She tries not to sound too crestfallen. Doesn't really manage it.]



Kaien's awesome! He can fly, and he tells really great stories. And--

---it's nice to meet you, too, Miyako. MiyakoAnd gals?


s'all good! o/ soulbetween January 13 2011, 02:53:40 UTC
[ She doesn't miss the tone of voice, but when Dawn picks up a different tack, she decides it's best not to comment. (She's never been sure what to say to the lovelorn girls Kaien completely unwittingly leaves in his wake, anyway. 'Sorry?' 'I just got lucky?')

Instead, she laughs a little. ]

Seems like everyone loves him, no matter where he goes. I hope he hasn't been any trouble?


[video] sewing_prince January 7 2011, 05:19:03 UTC
[Raises an eyebrow. Another Shiba?]

You know of Hollows.

[Another pause as he takes a moment to see what he can sense.]



[video] soulbetween January 7 2011, 06:07:06 UTC
I know well of Hollows. [ She smiles, only a touch wry. She's recently known way more of Hollows than she ever would have liked to. ]

You know of Shinigami. [ It's as much a rebuttal as a confirmation. ]


[video] sewing_prince January 7 2011, 06:13:50 UTC
I do. I have had rather extensive dealings with them.


[video] soulbetween January 7 2011, 06:17:56 UTC
[ 'Extensive dealings' sounds unpleasant. Miyako chooses her words carefully. ]

That's... interesting. There aren't many who have dealings with Shinigami who aren't Shinigami, themselves.


[ video ] valdecet January 7 2011, 06:01:38 UTC
Shiba? [ Headtilt. ]

You wouldn't happen to know a Kaien Shiba by any chance, ma'am?

Oh, by the way-- this is Anatole.


[ video ] soulbetween January 7 2011, 06:08:16 UTC
He's as popular here as he is back home, isn't he? [ She laughs. ] He's my husband.

I keep hearing 'Anatole,' but... is that the name of the world, or just this place?


[ video ] valdecet January 7 2011, 06:37:58 UTC
He's popular back home as well, is he? [ A fond chuckle. ] I'm not surprised. Angeal Hewley, Mrs. Shiba. Pleasure to meet you.

As for Anatole, it is merely the name of the city itself. [ Pauses. ] To be honest, I don't know what the world itself is called.


[ video ] soulbetween January 7 2011, 06:50:16 UTC
[ She's familiar with fond tones like this one, and it makes her eyes sparkle when she smiles. ] Quite a pleasure. I hope Kaien hasn't given you too much trouble.

Are there cities beyond this one?


piscestruth January 7 2011, 08:17:12 UTC
[Okay, he can't be too angry about this whole 'dead people being alive' thing, really, but it's really disconcerting.]



soulbetween January 7 2011, 08:21:00 UTC
[ Another familiar voice. She brightens. ]

Ukitake-taichou! ... You're here, too?, then. Are there any others from our division?


piscestruth January 7 2011, 08:29:36 UTC
Ah... Kaien-san and Rukia-san, too.

Where were you last, before here?


soulbetween January 7 2011, 08:30:50 UTC
[ That question stops her for several moments. ]

... I was on patrol.


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