001 ✿ video;

Jan 06, 2011 20:00

[ The feed seems to have accidentally gone live, since it opens to the corner of a table. It's a little unsteady for a bit, and eventually, you can hear a quiet voice in the background. ]

... Wait, 'video on?'

[ The view abruptly spins, and a young woman's face comes into focus, brows knit. ]

This technology isn't quite the same as what I'm accustomed to.

My name is Shiba Miyako, and... I'm not sure I'm supposed to be here. [ She pauses for a long moment, looking at something beyond the Forge, across the room. Unless this is some place you go after you die, which doesn't make any sense in conjunction with what she knows.... ] I'm... almost positive I'm not supposed to be here. I don't remember coming here, at any rate. I just... woke up here.

[ Best not to mention what happened just before, she thinks; you never can tell how people will react to you when you tell them that you think you just died. ]

If anyone could tell me where 'here' is, that might be a start. For now, I suppose I'll take a look around and be glad that Hollow's gone. [ And she is so very glad. ]

ukitake jyuushiro, uryuu ishida, dawn summers, kaien shiba, angeal hewley, !miyako shiba

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