
Jan 03, 2011 18:24

Tomorrow marks my four hundred and forty-forth day here. That's a pretty big deal, right?

[She'll let the significance of that sink in. ...Or complete lack thereof.]

Sometimes it feels like I just arrived here yesterday. And sometimes it feels like another lifetime. Sometimes I wonder, if I went home now...

[She trails off. That's probably not ( Read more... )

ichigo kurosaki, tseng, jarlaxle, sasori, priscilla, zack fair, karako "game fowl" koshio, malfatto, !elena

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Comments 146

chainbell January 4 2011, 03:57:41 UTC
That is a big deal.

I can barely even remember how long I've been here but I'm sure it's not nearly that long. At least from what I can remember.


wellsuited January 4 2011, 04:00:59 UTC
Yeah! I wonder what it'll be like when it's four fours instead of three.

[A quiet moment. She totally plans on being here that long.]

Maybe I should ask my boss. I think things like numbers and stuff were big in Wutai.

Anyway, do you remember the Arena?


chainbell January 4 2011, 21:19:26 UTC
You should be an expert on this place by then!

[She really isn't that interested in returning either. She likes it here where Nagi alive.]

Yeah. Why d'you ask?


wellsuited January 5 2011, 00:23:32 UTC
I'll practically be a native!

Well, it's just that if you ever need to make a few quick ivories, I'd be happy to help you out.


[ voice ] lonestray January 4 2011, 07:11:10 UTC
[Physical? Physical means taking off clothes and having to be touched by some random person. Levels of dnw are over 9000 off the charts.]

A physical?



[ voice ] wellsuited January 4 2011, 16:35:38 UTC
[She hears that a lot!]

Yeah! To get some sort of base reading on your health. It'll come in handy when I'm finding fights for you.


[ voice ] SORRY FOR THE LATE. esp for such a short tag ;; lonestray January 6 2011, 03:08:23 UTC

[Here's some more, then!]


[ voice ] wellsuited January 7 2011, 00:26:17 UTC
It's for your own good!


piscestruth January 5 2011, 00:33:46 UTC
'More good days' is something worth striving for, I think.

And good luck with the, er, unicorn.


wellsuited January 5 2011, 01:05:25 UTC
It beats the alternative, right?

And thanks, but I don't need luck! This is a mission, and Turks always complete their missions!


piscestruth January 5 2011, 01:32:01 UTC
It beats a number of them, I think.

Ah, of course. What do you plan on doing with it?


wellsuited January 5 2011, 01:36:04 UTC
Well, I--

[An abrupt pause.]

...I don't know, actually. I was just focusing on winning it.


[voice] lookatmyepichat January 5 2011, 01:12:43 UTC
Greetings, fair lady. I was listening to your chatter, and find myself curious. What are Turks?


[voice] wellsuited January 5 2011, 01:34:30 UTC
That's what they called us within our company! Sure, it's sort of a nickname, but it sounds really cool, don't you think?

Here...well, it's what I call myself and my allies.


Oh, and I'm not a lady. I'm Elena.


[voice] lookatmyepichat January 5 2011, 01:43:43 UTC
A company? You mean your friends?


Not a lady? Elena's the most feminine sounding man he's ever heard then. How strange.]

Ah! You have my apologies, sir. I did not realize.


[voice] wellsuited January 5 2011, 02:25:27 UTC
The Shinra Electric Power Company! My job. Though...I guess you could say they were my friends too. Family, actually.

You don't have to call me Sir, it's not like I'm you boss or anything. [Yet.] Just Elena will do!


[Voice, private] eternalscorpion January 6 2011, 23:09:32 UTC
A physical? I can't say my previous organization insisted on such a thing.

[Admittedly, Sasori was in his puppet body at the time so never needed it, but Akatsuki health care typically was limited to Kakzuku sewing any severed limbs back on for an exorbitant fee.]

And your ability to maintain a positive outlook never fails to impress me, I must admit.


[Voice, private] wellsuited January 7 2011, 00:37:52 UTC
I just want to make sure we're in top physical condition.


Do you think we should start an exercise program?


[Voice, private] Sasori going along with one of Elena's ideas? This is bad, isn't it? XD; eternalscorpion January 7 2011, 04:57:37 UTC
Hmm well, it's only common sense for one to stay in top fighting form considering our line of work and all.

I certainly make a point of training daily.

[He considers this for a moment.]

It might be beneficial if other members of the organization are less diligent.


[Voice, private] She's winning him over! XD wellsuited January 7 2011, 16:51:29 UTC
That's what I was thinking too.

Hey! You should lead it! The company-wide daily training, I mean.


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