
Dec 16, 2010 00:50

[Have a small throat clearing. Have a happy smile. Have some bright, proud blue eyes.]

I just wanna say thanks to everyone who came out to the auction. Because of all of you --[And he takes this moment to point at the camera.] -- we raised more money than I could've ever dreamed possible. I think, according to Dawn, we raised about nine times more ( Read more... )

ichigo kurosaki, cara, irene, elena, dawn summers, balthier, angeal hewley, hope estheim, kunsel, !zack fair, yazoo

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Comments 127

immortal_shot December 16 2010, 08:45:46 UTC
... A bit old for that, aren't we?


slaythemoon December 16 2010, 11:17:28 UTC
You're never to old for that.


[Video] i_love_squats December 16 2010, 16:39:55 UTC
Can I count you in, then? [A.K.A. Will you not kill me now?]


slaythemoon December 16 2010, 19:48:27 UTC

[He's already plotting ways to pelt you to death, Zack!]


[ Voice ] knows_it_all December 16 2010, 15:03:43 UTC
A snowball fight, huh? I like the sound of this.


[voice] girl_unlocking December 16 2010, 15:35:14 UTC
Consider yourself challenged!


It...could be our ...date-thing?


[voice] knows_it_all December 16 2010, 15:39:21 UTC
[ He can't help but laugh, but at least it's not condescending. The fact of the matter is, he can't think of a better way to spend a date-thing than by doing something completely pointless and energy expending such as muck around in the snow! ]

Well, I'm in no position to refuse. You call the shots for that, Dawn!

Hot chocolate after? My treat, of course.


[voice] girl_unlocking December 16 2010, 18:23:21 UTC
[Dude. You said chocolate.]

Done deal! Snowfight and hot chocolate. [Awww, yeah.] Oh! And I can show you what a paintball gun looks like!


girl_unlocking December 16 2010, 15:33:52 UTC
Snowball fight? You know it!


[Video] i_love_squats December 16 2010, 16:41:57 UTC
Glad you agree! Wanna be on my team or Kunsel's?


[Video] girl_unlocking December 16 2010, 18:17:39 UTC
It's nothing personal, Zack, but I have an un-date! A not-date! A date-thing! A-and he promised be hot chocolate.


Re: [Video] i_love_squats December 16 2010, 18:41:41 UTC
[What better way to stalk the date?]

Don't think I'm gonna go easy on you, Dawny.


wellsuited December 16 2010, 15:38:48 UTC
If you have time for a snowball fight, then you have time for more serious things.


Besides, with my aim, you wouldn't stand a chance.


i_love_squats December 16 2010, 16:46:11 UTC
Don't worrrrrry! My paperwork will get done! Have I ever slacked off to you?

[Oh? ]

Is that a threat? Or a challenge?


wellsuited December 16 2010, 17:16:52 UTC
You can answer both questions through a mouthful of snow.


[Video] i_love_squats December 16 2010, 17:45:55 UTC
[Snowball Saturdays?]

You're SO on! Hope you don't mind snow in your hair.


patrol filter halcyonthird December 16 2010, 15:53:00 UTC
I was not yet here when the other killings occurred, but very little makes sense here. From what I can tell ...the ah, cut is clean and quick. Very sharp blade.

Beyond that, I have no answer.


I can take you in a snowball fight, Zack.


patrol filter i_love_squats December 16 2010, 16:53:31 UTC
I wonder if we need to beef up Patrols, or start keeping an eye on that idea. I don't think any of us want another person dying here.


Ooooh? And here, I was going to ask you to be on my team. Guesssssss you don't wanna, huh?


patrol filter halcyonthird December 16 2010, 17:28:59 UTC
It's a good idea for the time being. No one has any business being in that area if not for patrolling. It's proven doubly unsafe, and one of them was a more than competent warrior, I hear.


I have no qualms about being on your team, Zack. I'd consider it an honor.


But since we seem to have a date, I vote a private spar in the snow. No blades, just snow.

And I'll still take you.


patrol filter i_love_squats December 16 2010, 18:01:11 UTC
Yeah. No solo patrols, and maybe half the the district, so you get two groups to everyone normal one-group area. And beef up status communications on an hour-shift regular interval. [Stops and scratches the back of his head.] If that's what Pris wants. I don't mean to step on her toes. Sorry.


Yeah, somehow, I think this date was planned. [Kunsel, he's got his eye on you.]

Ooooh, so you think you can beat me in a good ol' fashion snow fight? You're so on, lady! Dress warm, 'cause you're going to be a snowman when I'm through with you.


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