
Dec 16, 2010 00:50

[Have a small throat clearing. Have a happy smile. Have some bright, proud blue eyes.]

I just wanna say thanks to everyone who came out to the auction. Because of all of you --[And he takes this moment to point at the camera.] -- we raised more money than I could've ever dreamed possible. I think, according to Dawn, we raised about nine times more than I thought we would, and you should all give yourselves a pat on the back. Because of you, we're able to do something amazing.

Hope you all have fun on your dates, and you'd better share the details. Alllll the details.

And, maybe it's 'cause of the great turn out at the auction, it made me have a positive dream for once. Doors, a hallway of doors, and on the steps were wrapped boxes. Gifts. Different shapes, different sizes on each one. It was... It was nice.

Hopefully, this is one of the good ones that come true. [And his smile is relaxed, calm.]

Soooo, who's up for a snowball fight, huh?

Private to Patrol

[And Zack's voice changes a little, turning quieter, all business. Even his mouth evens out. He'd keep one hell of a brave face for the general populace, but his fellow Patrollies, well, it was a different story.]

Do we know what happened to Jennifer? Between Sakura and her, are we looking at another serial killer? What're the odds?

Private to Cara

[And this is awkward, rubbing the back of his neck Zack.]

Thanks, Cara. I owe you one. Even if you say I don't.

Private to Angeal

Do...[And this is hard. Really hard, but dammit, he needs to shake the bad association he has with the cold. Modeoheim will always sting.]

Do you wanna go for a walk in the snow?

ichigo kurosaki, cara, irene, elena, dawn summers, balthier, angeal hewley, hope estheim, kunsel, !zack fair, yazoo

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