♖ 001; voice

Nov 08, 2010 13:13

[Deep breath.]
Uh... h-- hello?

Um. Hi. I'm-- my name is Hope Estheim. [He swallows, and there's a bit of a pause.]

Someone told me that people arriving from other worlds really isn't that strange here. You-- uh, you probably get questions like this a lot, but... I'm looking for some friends. They're pretty [and for a second he sounds amused] ( Read more... )

david webb, maes hughes, irene, lavi, mail "matt" jeevas, !hope estheim, nagi "owl" kengamine, dawn summers

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Comments 143

[voice] re_formed November 8 2010, 02:19:06 UTC
I haven't seen them.



[voice] elementally November 8 2010, 02:20:21 UTC
Oh. [Disappointment.]



[voice] re_formed November 8 2010, 02:29:03 UTC
As for tips-


You'll get a lot here.


[voice] elementally November 8 2010, 02:36:04 UTC
Thank you. I'll be sure to, uh... check it out.

[And an awkward pause.] Have you been here-- I mean, how long have you been... here?


Voice looseleafbook November 8 2010, 02:25:19 UTC
Can't say 've heard o'those names, but they certainly are memorable.

Still ya can always manage ta make new friends here, 's kinda easy.


Voice elementally November 8 2010, 02:28:55 UTC
Memorable? [...] Yeah, I guess they are.

Uh. [He isn't sure how to process that. He likes his current friends D:] I-- that's good. [He sounds pretty uncomfortable.] It's just important that I find them. [Because they need to save the world. And stuff.]


Voice looseleafbook November 8 2010, 02:37:56 UTC
Tha names, yeah? I imagine they're interestin people themselves~

[True, Lavi's keener on his own.] Well, tha others here might remember seein'em before. 've only been here a short while. But if they're not here now they might follow ya soon?

[He can save this world! 8D]


Voice elementally November 8 2010, 02:47:51 UTC
[He sounds a little warmer.] Definitely interesting. They're-- uh. [Maybe he shouldn't talk about them too much. That document didn't mention anything about l'Cie, but risks are risks, right?] They're family.

Maybe. [He sort of hopes so. Although-- there's important work to do back home, right? Maybe he shouldn't want them to be here.] I'll just have to find out, somehow.


halcyonthird November 8 2010, 02:30:41 UTC
Stay away from the mist. And that document linked to you - it's useful.


voice; elementally November 8 2010, 02:34:15 UTC
The mist? Okay, I'll... I'll do that.

[And that's it, but there's something in his tone that suggests he kind of wants to ask why.]


[voice] halcyonthird November 8 2010, 02:38:01 UTC
It's very unpleasant. [Do you hear the tone? UNPLEASANT.] Unless you like your insides to be on the outside.


[voice] elementally November 8 2010, 02:44:02 UTC

Wha-- what?


text... sorry >.> onetoignite November 8 2010, 02:30:59 UTC
Isn't Hope a girl's name?


text; lmfaooo sob ;; elementally November 8 2010, 02:33:02 UTC



text; dhjks that icon onetoignite November 8 2010, 02:39:37 UTC
I think it is, mate. It's all right though, you're among friends here.

But not your friends. Haven't seen them.


text; fjhkfd it's one of my favourites elementally November 8 2010, 02:42:34 UTC
[-_________-] O-- okay. [Not going to argue about this. Stupid name.]

Right. Thanks... for your help, I guess.


[video] girl_unlocking November 8 2010, 02:35:33 UTC
I don't think I've heard those names here, but that doesn't mean anything, cause there are a lot of us, and well, things have been weird for a while.


[She's a little sullen on account of flaming vampire centaur things. And Riza's terrifying lineface.]

I'm Dawn. Are you okay, Hope? I mean, otherwise okay?


voice → video elementally November 8 2010, 02:40:24 UTC
[fumbling for a second, and a quiet "huh" before be gets it to switch over to video.]

Hi, Dawn. [It's nice that someone responded to him with a name.]

I'm... confused. Thinking I might've just hit my head too hard, or something. [Or, that's what he hopes.] I'm not-- injured, or anything.


[video] girl_unlocking November 8 2010, 02:56:38 UTC
I hit my head pretty bad when I first got here, too. Y-you're not bleeding, so that's good.

It's confusing. But you're not dead. Or in Hell. Or dreaming. And it's not always scary here? You should be safe where you are. Do you need anything?

[I'm kind of grounded right now, but this is like ...this is different, okay?]


[video] elementally November 8 2010, 03:02:45 UTC
Oh. [That doesn't sound good.] Yeah, I'm-- fine. You're okay too, right?

[Okay, nodding, nodding.] There's, uh-- there's a lot to take in. [He said, stating the obvious. His head tilts to the side a little as he thinks.

Sheepishly;] I should probably get some food. Inter-world travel makes you kind of hungry. [Also he's a teenage boy.]


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