[02 → voice]

Nov 24, 2009 21:39

As someone's already mentioned before, I'm guessing jobs are in order, aren't they?

[she quiets herself and starts to sing softly, a kind of wistfulness in her voice. if you're listening and injured, the song may or may not make you feel a little better, perhaps relieve pain or ease breathing. it won't miraculously heal anything yet though:]

For ( Read more... )

!oruha, elena, miranda lotto, souji seta, haruka doumeki, kou, luke fon fabre

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Comments 83

socialinksarego November 24 2009, 14:29:07 UTC
You have a really beautiful voice. I've never heard anything like it before.

I heard that there's a pub, somewhere. Duncan's. Maybe they might need an entertainer?


/assuming they're already kind of friends after the log marked_songbird November 24 2009, 14:32:40 UTC
Thank you, Souji.

I've heard some people talk about it. I was thinking of checking it out after I explore the city a little more.


/y plz. God I need to finish a log. Or a bakers' dozen. Social Link Go! after this? socialinksarego November 24 2009, 15:03:45 UTC
If you want, we can go together? Exploring the city and visiting the pub. I need to scout for jobs too.


sure! oh, and pretend all of her replies have been voice |DDD marked_songbird November 24 2009, 15:23:36 UTC
I'd like that. Things like these are always more fun with company.

What kind of job were you thinking of getting?


[voice] smoke_koan November 24 2009, 15:26:06 UTC
[a delighted chuckle]

And it was, indeed, a pleasant experience.

There should be a cafe somewhere here - perhaps you could try that vessel near the docks. Would you like to visit when we have our tour?


[voice] marked_songbird November 24 2009, 15:33:32 UTC
I'm very glad you approve.

The docks? I haven't gone that far from the apartments yet, I'm afraid, but I'd love to.


[voice] smoke_koan November 24 2009, 15:41:15 UTC
The view is good. I haven't gone into the ship itself yet, but it looks like it's been converted into an establishment of sorts.


[voice] marked_songbird November 24 2009, 15:44:06 UTC
We'll just have to go see it then, won't we?


[voice] vowing November 24 2009, 17:11:28 UTC
[low, impressed whistling]

That's the nicest thing I've heard over these things since I got here.


[voice] marked_songbird November 24 2009, 23:14:25 UTC
Is it? Do you mean to say you've not heard nice things since then?


[voice] vowing November 25 2009, 00:59:31 UTC
It is. I've heard some less than pleasant things, but a bit of singing certainly makes up for it.


[voice] marked_songbird November 25 2009, 01:40:08 UTC
Shall I sing a little more for you, then?


[voice] Dude. too many guys. Enter MIRANDA! rewindpendulum November 24 2009, 22:54:43 UTC
O-oh! Oruha, you have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard! It matches you very well. I'm certain you'll find a job in no time.




[voice] marked_songbird November 24 2009, 23:23:46 UTC
Thank you!

[and then she's concerned] Is something wrong?


[voice] rewindpendulum November 24 2009, 23:36:45 UTC
Huh? I-it's nothing! I'm just a little...scared of the job-hunting. Y-you see, I'm terrible at all kinds of jobs. I was fired almost every single day back home.

[perks up a little]

But then I became an exorcist! So that became my job...but now...since the Black Order isn't here...I have to look...again.


1/2 [voice] marked_songbird November 25 2009, 00:06:34 UTC
I'm sorry you had to go through with that. [gently] But you shouldn't let that bother you here. You're in a totally different place right now than you were before, so you should make the most of it. Make new impressions on the people here.


wellsuited November 25 2009, 02:30:05 UTC
[She's quiet for a moment, because really, she does have a beautiful voice.]

You're hired!

[Forgive her enthusiasm.]

I mean...wow.


marked_songbird November 25 2009, 02:32:51 UTC
I am?

[she wasn't quite expecting an offer so quickly and enthusiastically, but who is she to complain?]


wellsuited November 25 2009, 02:42:50 UTC
Well, I have learned a thing or two about management since I arrived here. I think. And I'm working on a place that's like a cafe. At least it could be. I'm looking to draw as many people to it as possible.

And your voice...well, it does exactly that.


marked_songbird November 25 2009, 02:48:13 UTC
I'm very flattered, thank you.

Could I learn more about this place you're working on?


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