[ Video #13 ]

Oct 26, 2010 00:05

[ Muffled sounds, and then the screen opens to reveal a golden golem's tail and part of it's body. Timcampi's chewing on the buttons of the Forge and thus he accidentally turns it on. But he's not chewing so badly that he's breaking it, just making enough sounds to wake those in the room. ]

Tim--?[ The golem must've turned itself, because the ( Read more... )

kanda, dawn summers, yachiru kusajishi, !allen walker, !lenalee lee, lavi, priscilla

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Comments 110

[Voice] /leaves this and runs looseleafbook October 26 2010, 04:16:15 UTC
Might wanna see if you can delete this, yanno?


[Voice] /follows you subrusticus_xiv October 26 2010, 04:24:20 UTC
...Lavi, I'm not sure if that's possible...


[Voice] /hides looseleafbook October 27 2010, 00:25:16 UTC
Have ya tried yet?


[Voice] /hides with you! subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 03:21:08 UTC
I did. [ A look caught between misery and horror. ] It isn't working.


[voice/reaction/action/idon'tevenknow] reticents October 26 2010, 04:36:24 UTC
[...there isn't even a reply, really. Kanda's just. staring. both at what's going on and at the date, because how the hell has it been 10 days since he last looked at this? what. what even.

what the hell have you two been doing in the past ten days that you can't even remember getting into the same bed--



[ Video ;; ] subrusticus_xiv October 26 2010, 06:02:03 UTC
[ Kanda.

He looks at you. ]


It really isn't what it looks like.


[v-voice still ;v;] reticents October 26 2010, 06:03:59 UTC
[..how did you know it was me. ARE YOU WATCHING ME. STALKERLLEN.

--i mean.]

...Right. [uh-huh. HRM.]


[v-voice xD] subrusticus_xiv October 26 2010, 06:07:23 UTC
[ asdjfakl;j NO. o.o

... ]

I wasn't drinking anything! I'm not like my stupid Master.

Someone probably played a prank, or something. [ For real, that was the only thing plausible. ]


yetsleeping October 26 2010, 08:11:38 UTC
Lenalee? Allen? I... didn't know the two of you were...



Not that there's anything wrong with it! I think it's wonderful! I just didn't know!


lenalee_lee October 26 2010, 14:18:42 UTC
Priscilla! It isn't like that at all!

I'm...not sure what happened. But it wasn't anything like that! [That much, she is sure of.]


yetsleeping October 26 2010, 16:54:00 UTC
...oh! Well that's... I wouldn't say it's a relief, I mean it's not as though I'd be bothered or anything, but it would just be strange that I hadn't noticed before now.


subrusticus_xiv October 26 2010, 14:47:35 UTC
Close, but not in that way. [ He shakes his head. ] I don't even remember going to Lenalee's room...


[voice] girl_unlocking October 26 2010, 17:23:53 UTC
I believe you! The same thing happened to my friend a few weeks ago. Kind of. It was a little different, but...

...I don't think I know you. I'm Dawn.


[voice] subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 03:11:06 UTC
In any case, it's embarrassing.

Allen Walker. [ He offers a sheepish grin. ] I believe I've seen you around, but I've never introduced myself.


[voice] girl_unlocking October 27 2010, 22:26:46 UTC
Yeah. Don't worry, though - even if people did see, I'm sure there'll be something distracting, shiny and possibly horrible over the network and they'll forget they even saw...


...you know, I don't even remember what it was. See? Totally forgotten.

Good to meet you, Allen!


How long have you been here? In Anatole, I mean.


[voice] subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 22:33:16 UTC
Something "distracting, shiny, and possibly horrible" sounds like one of Komui's robots...

[ He shudders, but you've done a good job at distracting him. He smiles a little. ]

It's good to meet you, too.

I've been in Anatole since...since March, if I remember correctly. A little over half a year.


[video] inpiecesofcloud October 27 2010, 01:52:34 UTC
[Small child is SNICKERING. It takes about a half a second more of the video for her to be full on giggling. That's right, Allen, she's laughing at you.]

Silly, Zig-Zag! What are you doing in Leela's bed!

[She raises her eyebrows and keeps laughing. You might almost think she understands the implications of what she's just seen...]


[video] subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 03:13:39 UTC
[ Oh, Yachiru. ]

Absolutely nothing! I was sleeping.

Sleeping as in closing my eyes and losing consciousness. Not...um, the other sort of sleeping.

[ He hopes she does not understand! ]


[video] inpiecesofcloud October 27 2010, 08:48:54 UTC
Reeeeaaally, Zig-Zag?

[She laughs. Again.]

How come Leela threw you out?


[video] subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 22:24:50 UTC
Yes. Really, Yachiru.

[ He puts on his best "innocent" look ]

Well, it's her room, and she can choose whoever stays or doesn't in there.


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