[ Video #13 ]

Oct 26, 2010 00:05

[ Muffled sounds, and then the screen opens to reveal a golden golem's tail and part of it's body. Timcampi's chewing on the buttons of the Forge and thus he accidentally turns it on. But he's not chewing so badly that he's breaking it, just making enough sounds to wake those in the room. ]

Tim--?[ The golem must've turned itself, because the ( Read more... )

kanda, dawn summers, yachiru kusajishi, !allen walker, !lenalee lee, lavi, priscilla

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[voice] girl_unlocking October 26 2010, 17:23:53 UTC
I believe you! The same thing happened to my friend a few weeks ago. Kind of. It was a little different, but...

...I don't think I know you. I'm Dawn.


[voice] subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 03:11:06 UTC
In any case, it's embarrassing.

Allen Walker. [ He offers a sheepish grin. ] I believe I've seen you around, but I've never introduced myself.


[voice] girl_unlocking October 27 2010, 22:26:46 UTC
Yeah. Don't worry, though - even if people did see, I'm sure there'll be something distracting, shiny and possibly horrible over the network and they'll forget they even saw...


...you know, I don't even remember what it was. See? Totally forgotten.

Good to meet you, Allen!


How long have you been here? In Anatole, I mean.


[voice] subrusticus_xiv October 27 2010, 22:33:16 UTC
Something "distracting, shiny, and possibly horrible" sounds like one of Komui's robots...

[ He shudders, but you've done a good job at distracting him. He smiles a little. ]

It's good to meet you, too.

I've been in Anatole since...since March, if I remember correctly. A little over half a year.


[voice] girl_unlocking October 31 2010, 02:53:53 UTC

I heard there were battling robots, but that was. Well, I'd just gotten here, so I kind of missed them. I-is Komui the one who makes those, too? Or is he someone from ...not here?

Oh, wow! You're kind of like an old-timer, then. You ...and Lenalee?

[she hesitates on the name. Was that it? Is that right?]

Are you bffs or something? Oh! I meant best friends! Just in case you're like "what?".


[voice] subrusticus_xiv October 31 2010, 22:04:25 UTC
Ah, no those were different robots--Komui is from my world. He's a scientist, but so far he has yet to produce any robots here...

Of sort, I suppose. And yes, myself and Lenalee. We're from the same world, along with Komui, Kanda, and Lavi.

...we're certainly friends, yes, but I hope this does not ruin things between us.


[voice] girl_unlocking November 1 2010, 01:44:14 UTC
Oh! A scientist. Woah.

That's awesome that you have friends here. I ...think that really helps. Naruto has friends here, too. A-and Alphonse Elric? I dunno if you know him, he's my...

...we live together. Not live together live together, just ...live together. He has friends here, too.

It shouldn't! Seriously, Allen. Pinkie swear.


[voice] subrusticus_xiv November 1 2010, 04:06:07 UTC
I admire his enthusiasm. Just...not his robots. [ A sheepish chuckle hear. ]

It really does. I know Naruto, but Alphonse Elric? No, I don't know--

You don't have explain to if you don't want to.

Pinkie swear?


[voice] girl_unlocking November 1 2010, 13:11:04 UTC
Were they dangrous robots? M-my Mom dated a dangerous robot once.

Oh, it's okay. We're just really good friends in the friend way. You may have seen him around, it's kinda hard to miss a giant suit of armor!

Then again, this place is pretty big.

I just didn't want to be by myself all the time, you know? It's safer with two people, and we keep each other company, hang out, you know ...friend stuff! My friend Spike's here, and he's used to watching me, but I'm kind of tired of being watched like I'm five, and I know he wants to just do ~grownup~ things anyway.

Like getting into trouble.

Oh! It's just an expression. It's like ...a promise!


[voice] subrusticus_xiv November 1 2010, 15:23:52 UTC
It would depend on your definition of "dangerous." ...she did? How does that work...

Ah--I might have, once. [ He ponders. ] Are there others from his world?

I understand what you mean, about having companions and like, yet also wanted to be independent.

Oh yes, certainly...that. [ Does he ever get into that. ]

A promise? Then I hope you're right. For Lenalee's sake.


[voice] girl_unlocking November 1 2010, 18:06:42 UTC
I guess there are all kinds of ways they could be dangerous, huh? Hmmm. Well, are they peaceful? Do they have built-in guns?

I don't know exactly. She didn't know he was a robot, you know, when they. Yeah. He was super creepy, and he totally tried to kill my sister.

I ...was a giant dork and thought Ted -his name was Ted- was like, the coolest ever, and gave Buffy loads of crap for not liking him. And yeah. Evil robot.

Uh huh. Riza and um, Mustang. A-and there's ---oh, Scar, and what's her name with all the names, and another one just came through the door and freaked him out so bad he sat down in the middle of the floor! Some super-important guy that's a Lieutenant and a Colonel. Hughes! Oh! And Colonel Mustang. The door must really like his world.

[She realizes she's babbling a little. (A LITTLE?)]

How old are you guys? You and Lenalee, I mean.


Re: [voice] subrusticus_xiv November 2 2010, 05:05:25 UTC
They just...attack people who try anything Komui thinks is interest in his sister, Lenalee.

Oh. [ Scary, this. ] He sounds worse than any robot I've come across.

I've met Riza Hawkeye before, but not the others [ interesting. ] The door probably likes certainly places...

Ah, I'm around seventeen. Lenlaee is eighteen. though...with December coming up, it looks as if I'll be turning eighteen in Anatole.


[voice] girl_unlocking November 3 2010, 00:06:08 UTC
Ohhh. Like, cranky guard-robots! I guess he's kinda ...overprotective huh?

Yeah It was bad. But not the worst! [That's kind of a bright side, right?]

I think so, too. The blond sword-wielding ladies, like Priscilla, and ...um...Deneve? There's been a lot more of them, too. But I guess that's good! I-it's better than say ...more Yazoos?


It's your birthday, then? What day?!


[voice] subrusticus_xiv November 3 2010, 05:11:41 UTC
That's the surface of things...

I tell myself that. [ Yes, there certainly is. He tries his best to look for it, for himself and others. ]

Priscilla I've talked with before, but the others, not so much. [ He's been rather distracted recently that he's missed talking to new people. ] and I have to say, yes.

[ Slightly taken aback, in a good way. ]

Ah...in two months. 25th of December. [ '...was that day that was chosen for me.' ]


[voice] girl_unlocking November 5 2010, 17:45:07 UTC
Yeah, I like Priscilla. She's so friendly. And brave, too. And she talks a lot, but in the good way.

Oh! On Christmas! Well. I dunno if they celebrate it here, but we'll have to make sure you get a cake! And presents! Are your friends going to have a party?

...do you like books?


[voice] subrusticus_xiv November 7 2010, 14:33:06 UTC
She's strong, for sure.

That's what they say. [ He laughs, a little. ] That, I'm not too sure about.

...Ah, I have nothing against them?


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