-05- [accidental video]

May 06, 2010 23:53

[Static first, then the forge turns on a moment after it hits the ground, apparently having fallen out of the pocket of its possessor. In the extreme foreground at the bottom of the screen is a discarded black shirt. Further back sits the owner of both articles, her gray jacket held against her chest and her knees drawn up to her chin. Her eyes are ( Read more... )

rebecca chambers, !riza hawkeye, cara, scar, priscilla, byakuya kuchiki, elena, eve, mei chan, utena tenjo

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Comments 62

notyourdollface May 7 2010, 08:48:28 UTC

Are you all right, Riza? Is that the mist?


[voice] firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 17:04:33 UTC
[Curt, but not unkind] I'm fine, Rebecca. The mist is . . . acting strangely today.


[voice] notyourdollface May 8 2010, 13:12:03 UTC
Okay, if you're sure. I can come try and find you, if it's bad.


[voice] firebornfidelis May 8 2010, 16:20:44 UTC
No. Stay in the city, please. I'm all right.


[Video] princely_calyx May 7 2010, 09:46:48 UTC
Riza?! Riza, what's going on?!

[Her eyes grow very wide in panic. She's never seen the mist affect anyone before. And to see Riza of all people like this...]

Stay where you are! I'm coming to find you!

She leaps off her bed, grabs the sword she purchased only a day earlier and runs towards the door. She lunges back grabs the Forge and is out the door. End transmission]


[voice] firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 16:56:21 UTC
[She ignores your ended transmission, Utena, and tries to sound as stern as possible.]

Utena! No. I'm fine. Stay where you are, it's dangerous and you have no idea how to find me out here.


Re: [voice] Already gone princely_calyx May 7 2010, 20:28:58 UTC
[Utena was never one to care for authority. And having a friend in trouble doubled that distaste. Even if the authority was that friend. Her answer is curt.]

Too late.

[Footsteps pound over the broken pavement. The wind is actually whistling past her. Speed is on her side today.]


[voice] why you little . . . firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 21:36:53 UTC
Utena! Please!


wellsuited May 7 2010, 14:06:15 UTC
[Elena watches and listens, talking to herself before she speaks into the Forge.]

Wonder what that's all about...



firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 17:08:27 UTC



wellsuited May 7 2010, 17:33:27 UTC
You should put some distance between yourself and the mist...before it makes you say more than you want to say.

[She knows a thing or two about loose lips.]

If it didn't already.


firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 17:45:03 UTC
[It has already made her say ten thousand times more than she had ever intended to admit to anyone, but to say that would draw attention and attention is the last thing she wants.]

Yes, I'm already moving.


[ voice ] will_shoot May 7 2010, 14:34:36 UTC
[EVE watches the feed with wide, worried eyes, and replies with concern;]

Riza Hawkeye? It is EVE. Do you require assistance?


[ voice ] firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 17:20:17 UTC
[a little too quickly] I'm fine. Thank you for the offer, EVE, but you should stay in the city. The mist is behaving strangely.


[ voice ] will_shoot May 8 2010, 00:45:56 UTC
[She catches that, but won't go after Riza if she doesn't want her to.]

Affirmative. I will, however, be on standby, should your situation change.


[ voice ] firebornfidelis May 8 2010, 00:50:53 UTC
[And she almost smiles at that. EVE is odd but sweet.]

[quietly] Thank you very much.


yetsleeping May 7 2010, 18:18:20 UTC
Riza. The mist...

Please leave the ruins.


firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 18:41:19 UTC
Priscilla, I . . .

I'm already moving.


Livejournal notifications are being evil! yetsleeping May 7 2010, 21:18:32 UTC
Do you need help? I...

The mist is cruel today.


So true! Mine are literally 11 hours late. firebornfidelis May 7 2010, 21:35:20 UTC
No, I'm fine. [It's not quite the truth. But she doesn't want to trouble you.]

It is.


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