[Voice] #6

May 06, 2010 12:34

[ Static in the beginning. ]

I seem to have missed a lot while I was...unavailable. [ Unless you press him, he's going to avoid saying anything about his absence. ] Something about dolls and items going missing, was it? None of my belongings have gone missing, thankfully. I hope everyone can get their things back ( Read more... )

!allen walker, komui lee, namine, lenalee lee

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Comments 62

voice dollchains May 7 2010, 00:13:52 UTC

[Quiet for a moment. She's missed him.] Welcome back, Allen.


voice subrusticus_xiv May 7 2010, 10:52:21 UTC
[ He smiles on hearing her. ] Thanks, Namine.

How've you been lately?


voice dollchains May 8 2010, 01:52:23 UTC
Oh, um -- same as I always am, I guess.

What about you, Allen?


voice subrusticus_xiv May 8 2010, 10:34:08 UTC
Well...I'm slightly behind everything regarding recent events. [ Sheepishly chuckles. ] Would you mind filling me in on what I've missed?


lenalee_lee May 7 2010, 23:22:37 UTC
Don't worry about us, Allen. It's you that I worry about.


subrusticus_xiv May 8 2010, 10:36:52 UTC
Uh...you don't have to, Lenalee.

I meant, worrying about me tends to end up...convoluted at times. I appreciate the concern, of course, but...

[ Trails off. ]


[ voice ] madsupervisor May 8 2010, 02:02:35 UTC
Of course everything's all right, Allen.

Should I expect something's wrong?


[ voice ] subrusticus_xiv May 8 2010, 10:32:38 UTC
[ Shakes his head. ] No, not at all.

That's good to hear.


[ voice | private ] madsupervisor May 11 2010, 02:42:31 UTC
[A switch to private.]

Don't give me that, Allen. [He knows him better than that and while he's still got a bit of the Komui-cheer in his voice, there's a seriousness to it as well.]

You've been missing for a while. What were you doing?


[ voice | private ] subrusticus_xiv May 11 2010, 13:00:08 UTC
[ Tries to hold out a little longer. ]

Give you what, Komui-san? [ Innocence colouring his voice. ]


[ Pauses, gaze flickering around the room to his hands, Timcampi--anything but the communicator. ]

Exploring the place. Getting better acquainted. [ He knows he paused too long. Prepares himself for the onslaught of questions. ]

And yet I still missed the dolls.


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