Video 4.

Apr 06, 2010 19:22

[There's a bit of movement as he checks to make sure it's working, before running a hand through his floppy blonde hair to show blue eyes and flash a cheery smile.]

Good evening!

I saw a post on the bulletin board earlier as I was walking past about positions at the Casino.  I realize... I have not much time left in my residence, and as such, would ( Read more... )

!fai d. flourite, byakuya kuchiki, kaien shiba, namine, heine rammsteiner, mei chan

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Comments 60

heartbetween April 7 2010, 00:53:08 UTC
Fai, right?

If you need a place to stay, you're welcome to stay with me and Namine.

...Uh, and as for a could ask Nagi if he's still hiring. He usually is, and one of his cooks disappeared sometime back.


[Video] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 06:13:45 UTC
[Fai's attention perks up as he hears Namine's name, and the offer]

Ah, Namine! You live with her then? [He smiles] Are you sure it would be okay with her? I-I mean, I don't wish to impose. I don't know how many rooms are where you are living, but even if there was a floor I could sleep on until I find somewhere else, it would be a great help. Like I said, I can cook, and clean!

[He tilts his head at the video in question as to the next part of the message]

Nagi, huh? I don't believe I've met that person yet, but I'll look into it. Thank you very much, Mr...? I'm sorry, you know my name, but I don't know yours! [He's incredibly embarrassed by this, his face flushing slightly]


[Video] heartbetween April 7 2010, 06:30:40 UTC
Yeah, we share an apartment. You know her? [He's rather pleased with this. Namine always seems so shy and unsure--she needs more friends]

Ah, there's actually...only one bedroom. [He sounds a little embarrassed.]

But we had a third person living with us for a while and I still have the cot I brought in for him to use. You can stay however long you like, though, Fai. And you don't have to cook for us unless you want to!

Ah--oh. Sorry. I'm Kaien. Kaien Shiba.


[Video] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 21:11:50 UTC
Nice to meet you, Kaien-kun! ♥

[He places a finger to the side of his cheek in amusement as he processes the information.]

Well, if you two only have one room [He tolds himself back from prodding the man with questions], then I wouldn't want to impose. It seems I have a few people who are, ah, taking note of my cooking ability and giving me some choices, at any rate. So thank you very much - if you two wouldn't mind, I would like to come over and cook supper for you both sometime though! Namine's very kind and I've promised to cook for her already, so how about sometime we make it a get together for the three of us?

[He smiles] Just an offer. Thank you again for yours!


[ video ] xnoble_reasonx April 7 2010, 00:55:11 UTC
[His interest has been piqued.]

You are able to cook?


[ video ] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 06:06:53 UTC
[Fai's grin widens, and he nods enthusiastically]

Quite well, in fact! Being a traveller, it's a good skill to have.


[ video ] xnoble_reasonx April 7 2010, 06:32:08 UTC
[Out-of-his-element noble likes this.]

You will report to [enter address here] in the morning. You will demonstrate your culinary skills. If I approve, the bedroom is yours.

[... and quite bossy.]


[Video] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 16:52:50 UTC
[Fai holds back a chuckle, and nods at the camera]

Sounds like a plan. What kind of food do you like?

[He should probably go grocery shopping, with all the food he's promised people...]


[ video | private ] pandamaiden April 7 2010, 01:16:41 UTC
[She really likes this person. He has such a nice smile and so concerned about others. And he can bake sweets!]

Scar-san's already up and moving around. He won't sit still. [There's a teasing tone in her voice and a bit of a smile on her face.]

I think anyone can learn Rentanjutsu. I would not mind teaching it to you, Fai-san. The help would be much appreciated.


[ video | private ] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 06:18:18 UTC
[He claps his hands together in amusement]

I'm glad Scar-kun is feeling better now! He seems a stubborn man - no doubt he's intent on tracking with the rest of us, hmm? But I'm sure you can reign him in easily.

[His smile is big and genuine; he really likes Mei-chan; always bright and cheerful despite the odds.]

And thank you. [He bows slightly to the camera] I hope I can pick this up easier than my type of magic. I'd be happy to be of some more help. It seems healing ability is a rare trait in Anatole!

[He tilts his head in thought for a moment, before grinning at the video]

Perhaps I can make you some cakes as repayment?


[ video | private ] pandamaiden April 7 2010, 07:08:01 UTC
He is. You'll take care of him for me, won't you, Fai-san? I really can't go with him for it... [Worry flickers in her eyes before it disappears.]

It's really just a science! Formulas, and arrays, and knowing the human body. [Though she's never taught anyone before, she's a bit excited to try. And if Fai-san can cook, then it means he can do simple math and a good learner.]

Oh, but you don't have to do that. [But she wouldn't say no, either.]


[ video | private ] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 16:56:50 UTC
[Fai nods on screen before crossing the index and middle finger of one hand and showing the camera]

I Promise I'll keep an eye on him.

As to the Re... rein... retanjiii.... healing, it's interesting that it's a science rather than a magic. You must be very bright to have picked it up, hmm?

[He smiles again]

And of course I do; it's only fair! ♥


[video] dollchains April 7 2010, 10:13:35 UTC
You're going to find a roommate?

[A little smile.] Good luck. I'd ask you to stay with us, but Kaien already probably did that, right?


[video] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 16:58:19 UTC
[He chuckles]

Yes, Kaien offered the cot that you two have, but I really don't want to be a bother for the two of you! I mean, he mentioned it's a one bedroom [He quirks his eyebrow but saying nothing on that matter], and I wouldn't want to impose on your living space or anything...


[video] dollchains April 8 2010, 00:46:47 UTC
[She catches the look and giggles.] It's not like that. I sleep on the couch. And you wouldn't be imposing! I'd like to have you around too.

If you'd like, you can have my couch and I can sleep on the cot.


[ text ] stray_gunner April 7 2010, 14:46:33 UTC
A balloon ride. Honestly?

I can't imagine that would be safe here. From what I've seen, barely anything is very good.


[ video ] melodious_magic April 7 2010, 17:00:31 UTC
[Fai laughs]

You're right - it doesn't seem like this place is all entirely safe, and with my luck, the thing will probably drop out of the sky without a mment's notice, but if I need to, I have backup plans.

No one really seems interested in the rides, so I think me checking it out would allow for some interesting conversation with the balloon ride owner.


[ text ] stray_gunner April 7 2010, 19:03:48 UTC
What kind of backup plans can you have while floating through the air in a rickety contraption?

You're not very direct, are you.


[Video] melodious_magic April 8 2010, 00:14:44 UTC ones? [He smiles through the video, obviously not giving any of his secrets away. Placing the Forge on a table, he leans on the surface beside it, resting his chin on his palm.]

Direct has never been one of my strong points.


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