[ Video ] Komurin I

Mar 25, 2010 20:38

I don't think that was supposed to happen...

[The Forge is focused on a man in his late twenties, eyes hidden behind his glasses, a white beret on his head. He doesn't seem to be paying attention, his frown evident, expression more like that of a man whining about being forced to work ( Read more... )

namine, allen walker, !komui lee

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Comments 27

[video] dollchains March 26 2010, 00:43:25 UTC
[Um, well, she's not sure if it's rude of her or not to protest, but...]

Um, excuse me, but... Mr Denton's guide says not to mess with it.


[video] madsupervisor March 26 2010, 00:50:56 UTC
[Blink. What's this? Well, a communications device that worked. He's surprised.]

'Mr. Denton', you say? He must not realize the potential these devices have.


[video] hahaha that icon dollchains March 26 2010, 00:57:43 UTC
[She pauses for a moment. Potential?] Um, they do lots of things. But Mr Denton says not to shake it. Somebody made them a long time ago, so...


[video] komui icons are amusing xD madsupervisor March 26 2010, 01:03:56 UTC
Can they move on their own? Do they attach to your clothing with style and function? Do they have weaponry?

[From someone else, it might have been sarcasm. However, he sounds truly interested, not a shred of dry humor anywhere.]


subrusticus_xiv March 26 2010, 16:15:19 UTC
[ cough ]


It's Allen...and Lenalee's here. That makes the three of us.

And I would not mess with the forge if I were you. It works like a golem, but isn't.

[ He'll be keeping this short- too exhausted to say much. ]

But this should help. And there's a killer, so please be careful.


madsupervisor March 26 2010, 20:01:14 UTC

[There went his theory about everyone being safe. And he can tell Allen's not himself. Can't hide from him, Allen!]

Are you okay? And where is Lenalee?


[VOICE] forgot to add that... subrusticus_xiv March 26 2010, 21:07:54 UTC

[ Well, he could try. Static as he wonders how much he should say. ]

Mostly. It could be worse. [ Please don’t ask anymore? No luck, of course. ] Lenalee I haven’t heard from for some time, but I think she should be all right.

…what was the state of the Order when you last left it, Komui-san? [ He’s hoping his guesses are right. ]


[ voice ] xD It's all right madsupervisor March 26 2010, 21:27:57 UTC
[Could be worse... really.]

You haven't gotten into trouble, have you? [Checking on Allen would be the best idea, but not knowing where Lenalee was certainly set his alarms off. Such a predicament.] How long?!

[What a weird question to ask at a time like this...] It's still a bit messy, but we haven't finished unpacking yet.


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