[ Video ] Komurin I

Mar 25, 2010 20:38

I don't think that was supposed to happen...

[The Forge is focused on a man in his late twenties, eyes hidden behind his glasses, a white beret on his head. He doesn't seem to be paying attention, his frown evident, expression more like that of a man whining about being forced to work.

Instead he sighs and lowers his gaze to the device in his hands.]

And these funny devices. They're not capable of doing much, are they?

[Now he's staring, as if an idea has just struck him and it's the best idea anyone could have possibly come up with.]

The things it would be able to do...

[Don't ignore the excited glint in his eye. It doesn't seem like one of those things a sane person has. The Forge goes off after a moment of tinkering by curious fingers.]

namine, allen walker, !komui lee

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