[ 1. Video ]

Mar 25, 2010 03:14

[When the Forge turns on, it's quickly discovered that it's accidental. It is lying on the floor with a view of the ceiling, the one this particular device belongs to not looking at it. He's sitting on the bed he'd awoken in, a hand covering his face, black ponytail and loose strands of hair helping to block out the rather handsome visage.]


[It's quiet, barely audible, almost like a sigh. He's obviously troubled, but does not look to the fallen Forge for anything.

Finally, his hand falls away, stunning blue eyes staring at the floor, somewhere near the Forge.]

I must find Saya.

[He's speaking to himself, again in a quiet voice. It sounds as if he really thinks this 'Saya' can hear him.]

Saya, please wait for me. I will come to you, so you may rest without any worries.

[He stands, reaching for something out of the view of the camera, jaw set, stoic face reflecting a spark of determination. He only notices the Forge when he kicks it which he promptly picks up, hand covering the camera without any regard until the transmission is finally ended, again on accident.]

[ooc: i'll intro komui in the morning. it's laaaate]

kaien shiba, !haji, mihael "mello" keehl

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