ii : [ Audio ]

Mar 23, 2010 17:42

How strange it is to see that even a city so desolate is able to participate in festivities like these. You'd think that with how unfriendly many of the natives seem to be, the last thing they'd wish would be to give us such delicious confectioneries free of charge and without ill intent. [ he himself hasn't eaten any, but he's been watching the ( Read more... )

sakura haruno, !sebastian michaelis, light yagami, sohki, shijima kurookano, allen walker

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Comments 138

[video] heartdissonance March 23 2010, 22:05:06 UTC
I also want to know the answer to that question. So, if someone tells you.


[audio] butleresque March 23 2010, 22:21:38 UTC
I'll be sure to inform you as well.

Of course, I can't attempt to do that if I don't happen to know who it is that wishes to know such a thing.


[video] heartdissonance March 23 2010, 22:24:50 UTC
You can. If you're after my name, you should ask for it directly. I don't often introduce myself otherwise.

Since you're willing to be informative, though, I'll say that I am Shijima Kurookano.


[audio] butleresque March 23 2010, 22:43:18 UTC
I wouldn't wish to be so rude as to direct a lady in such a manner. But since you have told me, I shall do the same. My name is Sebastian Michaelis.

Are you on the search for someone as well, Miss Kurookano?


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[voice] butleresque March 23 2010, 22:46:32 UTC
As was the case when I woke up. But there haven't been any instances where something different has happened to anyone who has woken up here?

I see. This mist is indeed a force to be tampered with then. Is it possible though, to attempt contact by other means than physically searching the outskirts by one's self?


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[voice] butleresque March 23 2010, 23:24:46 UTC
Why would you say that?

A power? I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean to refer to some sort of super natural ability?


[Voice] sucker_punches March 23 2010, 22:56:45 UTC
If you question what the natives say about the whole world being covered in Mist except for Anatole, it might be possible. But I've never heard of it happening before.

I don't recommend going out there looking for him either.


[Voice] butleresque March 23 2010, 23:22:17 UTC
I've heard the natives are quite unfriendly towards us. Why should they feel obligated to tell us the truth if they harbor such dislike?

I know the dangers and fortunately, I do not plan to.


[Voice] sucker_punches March 23 2010, 23:28:30 UTC
They are, and that's why I'm more inclined to believe what I've experienced myself over them. But like I said, I haven't heard of it happening.

Your, uh, master is probably back at home.


[Voice] butleresque March 23 2010, 23:35:24 UTC
Have you experienced the Mist's effect? I see. I suppose it was wishful thinking on my part.

If he is, then I hope he's faring well. I don't believe I've ever been away for such a long time.


[Voice] playful_trouble March 23 2010, 23:48:30 UTC
It is quite curious indeed~♥ Will you be partaking in their so generous offer~?

While such a thing could be possible, I doubt this young master of yours to be elsewhere. As for the communication devices~ I believe everyone is gifted with such a handy little device.


[Voice] butleresque March 23 2010, 23:58:41 UTC
I'm afraid I'm not one for such things. I prefer baking them to having to eat them myself.

But if they are not, we would have no way of knowing such a thing as they would be unable to contact someone about their situation.


[Voice] playful_trouble March 24 2010, 00:04:29 UTC
Oh? You do, hmm? How positively wonderful! If you ever are in the mood for baking such things, I'd be more than pleased to bring some tea in exchange ♥

True true~ but as his guardian, then you would know whether or not your young master was here. You said as much before, correct~?


[Voice] butleresque March 24 2010, 00:22:48 UTC
It's one of my many skills as a butler. And perhaps I will sometime soon. If you've been lucky enough to find proper tea in this city, you're more than welcome.

That's rather observant of you-- and you're quite right. Were he in this city I would be able to find him, but I only wonder if this mist is somehow rendering me unable to do so.


subrusticus_xiv March 24 2010, 01:05:00 UTC
I did not think of distrusting their hospitality. Nothing seems to be wrong with what they’re giving way. [ Spoken far too soon. ]

As to your question-I’m afraid I have to say I don’t know. The whole process is quite baffling. My guess is that the passage of time here in Anatole differs from the places we come from, so he isn’t here, he may be entirely unaware that you are here. At least, I very much hope that is the case.


[audio] butleresque March 24 2010, 01:28:49 UTC
Have you tried some of the food yourself?

That's an interesting theory you're proposing. If it were true, then I'm guessing to him, it would be much like I'd never left at all?


[audio] subrusticus_xiv March 24 2010, 01:33:01 UTC
Indulged in it, actually. [ You can hear the smile in his voice. ] It’s been a while for me, after all.

Possibly. One of my friends was here in Anatole for months, but back at home, I had seen her only a few days ago. Two of my other friends were also here, but I haven’t heard either of them say a word about this place.

It keeps me from wondering at the state of the things I’ve left behind…we were in the middle of a war.


[audio] butleresque March 24 2010, 02:03:45 UTC
And they were perfectly fine? [ He sounds amused himself. Allen sounds a bit like Finny ]

If it's as you say it is, then no changes should happen, right? The war you speak of will, unfortunately, still be there, but in the same condition that you left it in.


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