Text, and then video. and then text again.

Mar 14, 2010 00:16

I guess when you're in the middle of a bloody wasteland like this you're bound to develop some strange methods of coping. Like festivals? Loads of them. Think I might pass on this one, balloons aren't really my scene and neither's matchmaking, but I wouldn't mind taking a peek at those motors they've got.

Being an engineer in this city must be a fucking weird job. Wonder if they're hiring.

Anyway, I've got... well, I'll just show you. Hell with it. Experiment #4.

[The video switches on and, once again, it doesn't show Matt at all. Actually it shows a little heap of what looks like copper and steel and wire sort of lumped together on a table, but when a hand (gloved, of course) reaches over to brush some apparently unseen switch, it starts moving.]

[Turns out the heap is a little robotic animal - a dog, or possibly a cat, or something; it's a little hard to tell - that picks itself up and runs a couple of circles on the table, as if chasing its tail. It works surprisingly well for something so clunky looking, and despite the obvious construction it seems strangely lifelike.]

[Matt says nothing the whole time, just letting it frolic for a bit before cutting the video.]

[Private to Near]

Think I've got all the cameras I need for you. I hope you're happy because those things are a menace to find in any decent condition. By the way, I've got a request in case you're interested in helping me out with a little project.

!mail "matt" jeevas, namine, mihael "mello" keehl, nate "near" river, sasori, priscilla

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