Feb 07, 2010 16:50

This missing people problem is getting dire, from the sounds of things.

[ Oh, let's try video. It's a big tremory mess when he first turns it on, and then he settles it down on the table, where it steadies. He's sitting in front of it on the couch, fingers laced together. Smoking, as usual ( Read more... )

byakuya kuchiki, zack fair, !makoto kubota, priscilla

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Comments 19

Voice i_love_squats February 7 2010, 19:41:10 UTC
[He's musing, half to himself, half to the Forge. When he speaks, it's quiet, half-murmured, the sound of restless fingers tapping against the side of the communicator.]

Wonder if we can get together. Everyone. Get a list going on who's missing, along with possible pictures. Maybe even make a specific search committee and assign folks to sections, while we still have a group hunting down the monsters, 'specially this child killer. I think, with enough work, we could get coordinated, if people want it.

Don't know why they wouldn't, with all the people missing.



Voice wordsoul February 7 2010, 21:31:50 UTC
[ Oh Zack. You sound so serious when you're contemplative. ]

Aa, those are possibilities. And a semi-complete list of noted absences could probably be compiled from previous system posts; that'll be somewhere to start from.

Are you with the Patrol Unit?


Voice. yetsleeping February 7 2010, 19:47:58 UTC
I may have a solution.

I'll speak to the Patrol Unit about it. But I can't think of any other place large enough to house the vulnerable. And I know I would not mind.


Voice. wordsoul February 7 2010, 21:15:43 UTC
That's good to hear. I don't mean to inconvenience the Patrol Unit at all with my suggestions, but I wouldn't expect you to do it alone.

It seems that I'm not particularly strong or useful, but I know a thing or two about bodyguarding. After all, it wouldn't be very fair of me to expect this much from people without contributing myself.


[Voice] xnoble_reasonx February 7 2010, 19:52:20 UTC
There is only so much that the Patrol can do.

It is up to the rest to use common sense.


[Voice] wordsoul February 7 2010, 21:08:55 UTC
Yeah. It's up to individuals to practice their own safety, as well. That's why I thought I'd put in the suggestion... and also why I don't know if it'll work.

I thought it'd be a worthwhile test.


[Voice] xnoble_reasonx February 7 2010, 21:21:18 UTC
You have too much faith.


[Voice] wordsoul February 7 2010, 21:44:38 UTC
[ He audibly smiles at that. ] If I had that, I'd be sure it'd work.

Nobody wants to die, and there's a certain amount of safety in numbers. Even if that's true, a person can't force cooperation out of others. They can only encourage it.

All I can offer anyone is a reason to do it.


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wordsoul February 8 2010, 18:55:30 UTC
There's a saying for that, isn't there? "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink".

Even if everything can be arranged, there's no assurance of participation in anything. Or maybe I just lack the right kind of charisma for this sort of thing.


(The comment has been removed)

wordsoul February 8 2010, 19:07:08 UTC
If only it were self-pity. I'm afraid I can only be honest about it.


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