and the stream runs in circles from the chasm to the core

Jun 23, 2011 19:57

Who: MULTIPLE THREADS! Expected: there are some plans. Unexpected: how would I know?
When: Right after this-with flexibility. All sparked by this after this.
Where: The Clinic
Format: [hates choosing] Whatever I start with, do your own thing!
What: Tonks visitations. Lupin's return. Shirley in da house. Trepkos the Grouch. AND MORE.
Warnings: Ow ow ( Read more... )

lust, shirley, daniel trepkos, river tam, heine rammsteiner, remus lupin, nymphadora tonks

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Comments 129

closed...ish... thenobledie June 26 2011, 05:56:09 UTC
[so now that doors being ripped off - or the threat of more being ripped off because the fact lupin took off the door to dora's room doesn't slip her notice, sir -, shirley is back to being boring. ...okay, that was like a blip in her schedule, really.

and because it's slow and annalee only visited for the morning, she is reading. it's one of lupin's books, and the chair is something of a habit; she sits in it whenever she reads while at the clinic. she might as well claim it as her chair.

not that she would. the pixie snoozing on her shoulder and using her hair as a blanket totally would, though.]


ish forever! lumenrelegandus June 26 2011, 06:12:30 UTC
[He did fix it... hopes that counts for something. Also knows and agrees why it may not.

He's not silent as he lowers himself into the seat opposite her, but doesn't try to claim her focus from the book until she grants it to him.]


thenobledie June 26 2011, 06:39:51 UTC
[it does! maybe. there is still a principle to the matter. which is hilarious because how often does she use doors if she can help it? (that answer is never.) not that it's really about the door, anyway...

it's only a few moments, and she is shutting the book. no bookmark, she always remembers her place. shirley tilts her head, as she looks at him. you first!]


lumenrelegandus June 27 2011, 06:09:49 UTC
[it seems the nature of things that whenever they find a moment of lull in which to talk, by necessity at least one of them will always look utterly exhausted. His turn for the moment.]

Thank you for being here when I wasn't.

I never meant to leave.


closed'ish to Remus wotchesyou June 30 2011, 05:35:35 UTC
[ She had wanted some water. That's what prompted Tonks from her room and into the hallway. She had walked, mostly on auto-pilot down a hallway. When she heard Remus speaking, she stopped.

She hadn't meant to drop any eaves on their conversation. It was just that she heard them, heard their words, heard who and what they were talking about. Tonks frowned. No.

Tonks sat down. She drew her knees up to her chest with her back pressed against the wall. She was going to wait for him. ]

Please don't lose your soul Remus.

[ She is going to say as soon as he exits that room. ]

((OOC - Occurs after this thread is over. ))


lumenrelegandus June 30 2011, 05:43:16 UTC
[No reason it should particularly happen now. After the first sight of what Bellatrix had done to her, after spending a night and half a day at her bedside. But for some reason the sight of her now strikes his breath away.

There's so much he needs to say to her. So crushingly much. Too much, it seems, to know where to begin, where to start, how much to put on her, so instead it's leaking out to others, but she will overhear…

Or be told.

He stands still a moment, caught between too many opposites. Fury and sorrow, defensiveness and shame, love and… realism.

Then he moves silently to the same wall, uses it to lever himself gingerly down, and draws up his own knees, like hers, to sit beside her.]


wotchesyou June 30 2011, 05:55:41 UTC
[ She looks up at him and watches him with sad as he sits down next to her. Tonks leans in toward him and rests her head on his shoulder. ]

She's not worth it. You're worth so much more.

[ She knows Remus but she is not ready for a confrontation.

Tonks will be damned, however, if she's going to let Remus become a monster for her or for anyone else. ]


lumenrelegandus June 30 2011, 06:24:57 UTC
[He closes his eyes when she does that-her head on his shoulder. So dear and familiar a gesture, one he keeps thinking, at different moments for different reasons, he'll never experience again. He doesn't displace her to put his arm around her, but rests his head in turn on hers.

He's not sure he agrees. Not to denigrate himself, but not to underestimate Bellatrix. Not to dismiss the others she's hurt.

But it's not worth debate. Even if he could confront, this much was true: it would not be about Lestrange. There was too much else for them to face.

None more important right now than the fact of being able to sit here together.

On the floor between them, he turns over and opens his hand, for hers.]


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