and the stream runs in circles from the chasm to the core

Jun 23, 2011 19:57

Who: MULTIPLE THREADS! Expected: there are some plans. Unexpected: how would I know?
When: Right after this-with flexibility. All sparked by this after this.
Where: The Clinic
Format: [hates choosing] Whatever I start with, do your own thing!
What: Tonks visitations. Lupin's return. Shirley in da house. Trepkos the Grouch. AND MORE.
Warnings: Ow ow ( Read more... )

lust, shirley, daniel trepkos, river tam, heine rammsteiner, remus lupin, nymphadora tonks

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in lieu of posting that log, I will hijack this one. impossibly June 24 2011, 12:01:35 UTC
[ If you build a temple in marble and daub the keystone with the blood of your first-born son, is it an inoculation or a ward? The Clinic always smells like growth, cells repairing and tissues knitting together and flowers with little white cards. River isn't always obvious when she comes, and barely ever helpful, but to her, as a building, it rings more of warm steady hands soothing her back than needles and sharp shocks through the teeth, spilling over, spilling over. ]

[ Today she has bouquets, half a dozen all piled in her arms, and their wrappings crinkle as she climbs the stairs with soft feet. Somehow there's hope in decay, and she will carry them from room to room, silently leaving one behind. They have no signature and no vase; just lilies and chrysanthemums, stark and sweet. ]

[ In the corridors, River hums softly, a few notes, high and sweet. A music-box tune, or a lark song. For a few days thinks were all jumbled but for now everything seems cold and clear and easy. ]


lumenrelegandus June 26 2011, 00:00:36 UTC
[within the walls of the clinic, it never takes long for him to find out anything that's going on. So he knows she's around, and as soon as he can he finds her.

He won't have much to stay. Mostly, if she suffers it, a hug.

She's another of the main people he hadn't meant to leave like that.]


impossibly June 26 2011, 11:08:45 UTC

[ There are no more flowers to give, so her arms are free and wide. She skips to him, glad of heart. ]

I couldn't find you.

[ Slightly more concerning for her than most people. ]


lumenrelegandus June 27 2011, 06:12:49 UTC
[catches and enfolds her for a brief, tight moment. Then sets her free again. Always set her free.]

I couldn't find me either. I hadn't realised I was lost.


impossibly June 27 2011, 11:00:40 UTC
[ She takes his hand, flinches a moment, presses it anyway. A sandwich between her own smaller pair. ]

But just in time. In perfect time. A metronome.


lumenrelegandus June 29 2011, 18:33:50 UTC
I hope so.

[he doesn't wish to talk about himself any more today. …Probably hasn't been, already. But it isn't just avoidance, it's important:]

I want to hear what I've missed. What you've been doing and working on. I owe you… two lessons for this week?


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