how many times can "DANGA" be said? (open!!)

May 27, 2011 19:33

Who: everyone and their mothers!
When: May 27th - 31st, roughly
Where: the Clinic and its general area
Format: action or prose, whichever works!
What: DANGA, DANGA. Or, the Abyssal Ones have begun fighting, which means a plethora of people being injured or dying, and some Big Damn Heroes are needed up in this joint.
Warnings: General violence, ( Read more... )

lilly rush, hermione granger, shirley, dende, miranda lotto, oerba dia vanille, heine rammsteiner, remus lupin, allen walker, merlin, ezio auditore da firenze, nymphadora tonks

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lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 19:55:35 UTC
[reports roll in: the forge network writhing, incidents accelerating, people simultaneously gathering and scattering. What galvanises him may be a particular voice of warning

Lupin makes two calls and goes onto the street.

First the clinic, then the dojo. For hours; he stands in a single place for a long while, then walks to a new one and repeats; circling and recircling the building, barely moving, sometimes unintelligible words, gestures as if writing in the air with his wand, drawing up… something;

The air will now and then glimmer, and the appearance of the building subtly shifts.

He leaves it to the respective staffs to explain to people what this is about. The risk is some will be frightened away from entering the buildings, thinking the spells are being cast on them, but it's a better chance to take ( ... )


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 20:12:48 UTC
[ Tonks apparates to nearest familiar point. Having not been the clinic and what with the earthquakes, she doesn't want to take that risk. She walks quickly, almost runs the rest of the way.

Tonks could never refuse a request for help. Innocent people were going to be hurt, had already been hurt thanks to Bellatrix. She wants to prevent more of that.]

Oi! Remus!


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 20:27:44 UTC
[He's in the middle of casting a charm, and doesn't break concentration or posture until it's done; but as soon as the circuit is completed, he turns to greet her. Without thinking about it, he throws an arm around her in a hug.]

Thank you for coming.

[releases her and steps back to look back up at the building] I've only finished cave inimicum so far. I don't think there's much we could do if the major players turned their attention here, but we can focus on structural integrity; the quakes and the explosions are probably the greater threat to the civilian population…

[As an auror she's always been attuned to such procedure; his voice is a tangible switch from professorial mode to wartime mode.]

…but defense against dark arts, as well, just in case…

[this look at her was not any kind of mode at all. Tonks doesn't need to know whom, in his timeline, Lestrange has killed to know exactly what he's thinking; she's lived her whole life with those thoughts.]


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 20:48:10 UTC
You don't have to thank me Remus, it needs doing.

[ The hug is unexpected but welcomed nonetheless. It's something she would do. She's not sure it's something he would. Nevertheless, Tonks returns the hug and adds to it.1 She makes an effort to not disrupt his posture too much as she returns the hug, squeezes and then let's him go. Her hand lingers on his backside a moment longer than necessary. She's no aware of it, however. ]

Should we set up some secondary locations in case this one is breached? We could set up a couple of portkeys for emergency transportation. You know this city better than I, what do you suggest?

[ Tonks is, had been, Mad-Eye's protege and you can't be around him for long without thinking about 'just in case' situations. Some could argue that Moody is a touch paranoid, and he is, but more often than not the old goat is correct. ]

1. In addition to being very good Finders, Hufflepuffs are also very good Huggers.


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 20:57:10 UTC
I'd thought the dojo-

[though not with as much completeness as she just did in two seconds of assessment. In spite of the sky falling around them, he feels that whisper of admiring warmth for her.]

Portkeys are a good idea, if we can persuade anyone to trust them. They don't need to be common knowledge as long as there's someone in each location who knows and can direct others. [candidates rattle through his head at once: Hermione, Merlin… not a coincidence perhaps it's people he wouldn't mind giving a reason to stay out of the battle proper.]

How many secondary locations, do you think…? At least one more… the intent is civilian refuge, not military strongholds, but for defensible places… perhaps Patrol Headquarters would be best. As soon as we're finished here we can contact Arthur. And we'll keep Shirley updated.

[All the "We"s. No thought required: his default mentality is that they're a team ( ... )


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 21:36:08 UTC
How many havens have you set up? Is it just the clinic or have you done the same at your dojo?

We don't have to tell anyone about the portkeys and I think at least one, yeah. I'd feel better if we had a third location set up. I'll hope that it won't be needed. I mean, hope's good and all, but it's best to be practical about these things.

In fact, I'd really rather not tell anyone except maybe the owner of said third location. I wouldn't want it compromised before it may be needed. It'd be just the thing if someone set a trap there.

[ She lifts a hand to the side of her face. Tonks is thinking. ]

Well, if this Patrol Headquarters can handle a great many of people and is relatively defensible, let's use that then.


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 23:28:40 UTC
This is the first I've started working on. [an incongruous smile] You got here very quickly.

[nods to the rest] Agreed. I'll tell Arthur to spread the word about the clinic and the dojo but hold off on a third. Let's finish those two first and then decide.

I believe... I hope, that the target of the aggressors is not the civilian population of Anatole. I get the impression... they're powerful enough not to care very much one way or the other about anyone they don't consider a threat.

[a fainter, more appropriate to the situation smile] But that may be hope over practicality.

[he hefts his wand again and nods to her for them to begin the next round of charms]


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 23:48:08 UTC
You asked. I came. I didn't think I should dawdle.

[ Tonks nods her head but stops when Remus mentions the civilian population. She doesn't know about that. Bellatrix is out there. That woman likes to play with her food before eating it. Tonks will not put it past Bellatrix to not inflict purposeful harm on civilians. Bellatrix had already done that at least once. ]

Yeah, well. Bellatrix is here, isn't she? It'd be so her to wreak havoc. As someone I'm very fond of likes to say, constant vigilance Remus.

[ Tonks doesn't bellow it at least. Not that she can as good at Mad-Eye does. She doesn't have the lung capacity.

Shes shakes her head once more before turning her attention to the charms. They had work to do. ]


lumenrelegandus May 30 2011, 04:41:56 UTC
[he has nothing to add but to nod in agreement.

Then set to work beside her, so complementarily as if they've been doing so for years.]


thenobledie May 28 2011, 20:56:36 UTC
[some time after he finishes, shirley appears outside. momentarily.]

Do you have energy still?

[her usual tone might be the effect of "otherwise, get out of the way," but instead, she sounds neutral. his spells are helping, after all, and she needs more hands. (she's beginning to fray, emotionally, and the blood splatters on her gown and tangled hair reflect that, oddly enough.) there are just too many people for her alone, and without a supply of healing rains or breezes, there isn't much to do but to take the injured one by one. she could summon elior - try to, anyway -, but a dragon may very well cause only more panic.]


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 21:03:17 UTC
[There's so much-nearly everything-he still does not know about Shirley. But, whether anyone could believe it or not, he has grown to know her. Enough to recognise, despite her unflappable appearance and unreadable tone, what she's really asking.

He turns and touches Tonks's arm.] Can you get started on the dojo? I'll check back with you in a while.

[He'll then follow Shirley back into the Clinic]

[ooc: That'll transform into "Can you and Hermione" if she is able to join in!]


thenobledie May 28 2011, 21:38:04 UTC
[she turns, already walking back inside. despite the emergency, her walk is steady. no point to rush and give anything but an air of calmness.]

If you are needed elsewhere...


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 23:32:49 UTC
[he lengthens his stride to catch up and falls into step at her side] Not for now.

Why don't I relieve you for a bit? You can rest at least for a little while...

[aware even as he says it that that's probably not going to happen, nor necessarily should]


thenobledie May 28 2011, 23:48:17 UTC
I don't need rest.

[she needs more healers and doctors. elior is beginning to sound like a great idea each passing second because of that.]


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 23:59:34 UTC
[ Tonks turns head and looks back at Remus. Briefly, she casts a glance at Shirley before smiling back at Remus. ]

Yeah. I think I can manage. I'll let you know if I need help.

[ Tonks tucks her wand into a pocket that's inside her sleeve. She starts to leave but not before casting one last look at Remus and Shirly. Oh. She shakes her head. There's not a point to thinking about anything other than preparing the dojo now, none at all.

With that in mind, she takes a few steps and apparates. ]


lumenrelegandus May 30 2011, 04:38:35 UTC
[as if reading her mind, or because it's in his own thoughts]

I'll keep an eye on the forge network. See if any more healers emerge from the woodwork.

[as they step through the entrance, he stops to look at her. They're on opposite sides of the door: the starting point of the parallel tracks they'll whirl past each other on, barely catching sight of each other, indeed trying not to collide nor follow too directly (to duplicate effort), for the best part of the next few days.]


[though he's not sure how to finish the sentence, and doesn't have time to figure it out, the words thank you are in the way he said her name]


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