how many times can "DANGA" be said? (open!!)

May 27, 2011 19:33

Who: everyone and their mothers!
When: May 27th - 31st, roughly
Where: the Clinic and its general area
Format: action or prose, whichever works!
What: DANGA, DANGA. Or, the Abyssal Ones have begun fighting, which means a plethora of people being injured or dying, and some Big Damn Heroes are needed up in this joint.
Warnings: General violence, ( Read more... )

lilly rush, hermione granger, shirley, dende, miranda lotto, oerba dia vanille, heine rammsteiner, remus lupin, allen walker, merlin, ezio auditore da firenze, nymphadora tonks

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Comments 167

may 30th (ish); closed thread thenobledie May 27 2011, 23:43:43 UTC
[part of shirley's duty as a healer and one that works in anatole's middle class clinic is to take risks: risk being injured for the sake of others, risk losing herself to these demons for them, risk the life of one for the other. it's unfortunate, but she has to prioritize who she can and cannot save. those struck with a rod are left quickly, it being so far out of her power and the girl that can reverse it being too far to reach. and some are too far gone even without the threat of becoming a cat beast from hell. that part of her magic is no more here, and it seems it was their fate, anyway ( ... )


photosbythebed May 27 2011, 23:45:13 UTC
[Part of serving and protecting Anatole includes getting what injured she can to the already overflowing clinic. There are other makeshift places - people that can tend to some wounds and not others - but this one is the closest, and getting out of the line of fire is imperative to making sure this boy makes it. She's no good to him or anyone else if she's dead, so she's ditched her bike carelessly near the street and half-carrying the native teen through the door ( ... )


thenobledie May 27 2011, 23:46:14 UTC
[the organ and muscle and flesh finally knit together, the light disappearing. the man clutches his chest, feeling wet blood but no wound and marvels; and the woman sobs, relieved - she pays neither of them any mind, as another native touches her forearm for attention. frightened but not particularly injured. nor is her companion. shirley motions to another medic, already aware of the newest arrival to the clinic.

she stands and makes her way to the bed and lilly, unrushed but steady. there is a slight stain of blood on her hands, but she doesn't notice, not even when annalee rushes to her side. she grips one of shirley's hand, but the fabric of the cloak prevents something strong; it's more like a two-arm cling to shirley's forearm.

vanity has no place in these moments, and though she could afford it one, she doesn't. it means something that shirley is taking her duties so seriously now.]


oh my god idek how did this become a thing i don't even have an icon for this photosbythebed May 29 2011, 23:06:54 UTC
[She sees them coming toward her - and for a moment her vision's split between the advancing figures (that's good, they need to get the hell away from---) and the sudden motion of a woman as she lurches toward the window, (no) fingers erratic against the glass as she pushes it the rest of the way open and hangs her head out of it to be violently and loudly ill.

On the tail end of the retching comes the growling. And it's sure as hell not coming from the woman (who has backed up and slumped against the wall), it's the seven - no eight, because it's rising up - foot tall beast she thought she'd seen pacing just behind the fractured light of Shirley's magic.

It's blinded at the moment - and though she's got no prior experience, it's a fair fucking guess that vomit in the eyes burns.

She's already halfway to the window as it takes an angry, yowling swipe.]


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 19:55:35 UTC
[reports roll in: the forge network writhing, incidents accelerating, people simultaneously gathering and scattering. What galvanises him may be a particular voice of warning

Lupin makes two calls and goes onto the street.

First the clinic, then the dojo. For hours; he stands in a single place for a long while, then walks to a new one and repeats; circling and recircling the building, barely moving, sometimes unintelligible words, gestures as if writing in the air with his wand, drawing up… something;

The air will now and then glimmer, and the appearance of the building subtly shifts.

He leaves it to the respective staffs to explain to people what this is about. The risk is some will be frightened away from entering the buildings, thinking the spells are being cast on them, but it's a better chance to take ( ... )


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 20:12:48 UTC
[ Tonks apparates to nearest familiar point. Having not been the clinic and what with the earthquakes, she doesn't want to take that risk. She walks quickly, almost runs the rest of the way.

Tonks could never refuse a request for help. Innocent people were going to be hurt, had already been hurt thanks to Bellatrix. She wants to prevent more of that.]

Oi! Remus!


lumenrelegandus May 28 2011, 20:27:44 UTC
[He's in the middle of casting a charm, and doesn't break concentration or posture until it's done; but as soon as the circuit is completed, he turns to greet her. Without thinking about it, he throws an arm around her in a hug.]

Thank you for coming.

[releases her and steps back to look back up at the building] I've only finished cave inimicum so far. I don't think there's much we could do if the major players turned their attention here, but we can focus on structural integrity; the quakes and the explosions are probably the greater threat to the civilian population…

[As an auror she's always been attuned to such procedure; his voice is a tangible switch from professorial mode to wartime mode.]

…but defense against dark arts, as well, just in case…

[this look at her was not any kind of mode at all. Tonks doesn't need to know whom, in his timeline, Lestrange has killed to know exactly what he's thinking; she's lived her whole life with those thoughts.]


wotchesyou May 28 2011, 20:48:10 UTC
You don't have to thank me Remus, it needs doing.

[ The hug is unexpected but welcomed nonetheless. It's something she would do. She's not sure it's something he would. Nevertheless, Tonks returns the hug and adds to it.1 She makes an effort to not disrupt his posture too much as she returns the hug, squeezes and then let's him go. Her hand lingers on his backside a moment longer than necessary. She's no aware of it, however. ]

Should we set up some secondary locations in case this one is breached? We could set up a couple of portkeys for emergency transportation. You know this city better than I, what do you suggest?

[ Tonks is, had been, Mad-Eye's protege and you can't be around him for long without thinking about 'just in case' situations. Some could argue that Moody is a touch paranoid, and he is, but more often than not the old goat is correct. ]

1. In addition to being very good Finders, Hufflepuffs are also very good Huggers.


holy_pickle May 28 2011, 20:24:02 UTC
Dende was rather unsure of what to do being so new to the clinic. But people were getting hurt, and he wanted to help them! So he stood there looking rather meek in the clinic, a little off to the side, waiting for someone to tell him what to do, or if someone hurt came by that needed help. He didn't know what was going on, but it frightened him...


thenobledie May 28 2011, 20:41:48 UTC
For all her concerns, Shirley is glad to see Dende. Partly because in the clinic, he is safe, but partly because in such chaos, she can't manage the patients alone. She smiles when she approaches and, uncharacteristically, kneels at his level - the importance of calmness in this moment that appearance alone can't give. There is blood on her gown, and her hair is slowly tangling.

"Little one, I need your help."


holy_pickle May 28 2011, 21:17:56 UTC
Dende nods, knowing the situation is serious. The sight of blood doesn't bother him, he's watched as his people were slaughtered, his friend impaled, and other such injuries. Shirley was trying to help people too, that happened when you try to help. He looked up at Shirley earnestly."Tell me who to heal! I'll do it right away!"


thenobledie May 28 2011, 21:41:07 UTC
"Whoever you can," she says. "If they are injured or ask for you, help them. The clinic will be very full soon - you must do this without my guidance. Do you understand?" Her tone is gentle, at least, for the tremendous responsibility she is asking of him.


may 29th (and onward) thenobledie May 29 2011, 19:58:50 UTC
After Deneve's post to the network, Shirley gathers several staff and volunteers - some patients still need attention, after all; and what the others do not know yet will be passed on. The overflow is beginning, and there are too many people to separate by degree of injury, too much chaos to differentiate by verbal communication. It's time to take a much harder route ( ... )


pratservant May 29 2011, 23:58:54 UTC
In the past few years, Merlin has seen as much as any hardened warrior. There had been death by injury and sickness, magical and otherwise. He's seen bodies hacked by swords, burned by dragon's flames, decapitated by an executioner's ax. Battles and autopsies and everything in-between, he thought he'd seen it all.

He's never seen anything quite like this.

Merlin places his hand against the wound on a woman's back, slender fingers splayed. With his head lowered, it's hard to see the movement of his lips as he murmurs the words, much less the gold when it overtakes the blue in his eyes. He's still being subtle, even though he knows Arthur isn't there. And if Arthur does arrive at the clinic, he'll be more concerned about the reasons for it than his secret. He checks her injury, exhales his relief before murmuring to her that she'll be fine now.

He's not sure how much he believes that just yet. Not for any of them. But he guides her away gently before looking for the next.


lumenrelegandus May 30 2011, 15:50:50 UTC
When Merlin turns away from his patient, he'll find himself face to face with Lupin.

Who holds out his hand to grasp Merlin's and say quietly, so no one around them can hear, "Thank you."

Releasing his hand, he gestures for Merlin to follow and starts walking. In a more public voice, "Thank you for coming. Arthur said you were on your way."


pratservant May 31 2011, 19:27:00 UTC
Merlin blinks, his eyes lowering to Lupin's hand and up again before a smile crosses his lips.

"You're welcome."

Though Merlin feels like he should really be the one thanking him, for giving him this chance, this distraction, this place where he could actually do something. He follows, glancing over sharply at the mention of his name.

"You've heard from him then? Did he sound alright?"

There is worry in his tone, but he reins it in, starts again.

"I'm not much of a fighter. But I had to do something. I couldn't just..." Merlin trails off, shaking his head gently. " nothing."


[open thread] exorcizetime May 30 2011, 03:10:22 UTC
Miranda stayed in the clinic and was slightly spazzing at the seriousness of what was occurring. But she was helping anyone that needed help. If she saw someone that needed to be bandaged up, and didn't need a healer, she would help them. Some people may have just needed something to help calm them down so she would bring then water.


thenobledie May 30 2011, 03:19:52 UTC

She meant to do this sooner, but now is better than never. Ignore the small child clinging to her leg.


exorcizetime May 30 2011, 03:31:20 UTC
Miranda looked up at the person who called her name. Oh yes, she had seen her around the clinic before. She couldn't quite remember her name. Now she felt completely embarrassed.



thenobledie May 30 2011, 03:36:56 UTC
Shirley steps closer, somehow unhindered by the girl attached to her, but a hand comes to rest behind her neck; she only presses her face into Shirley's thigh. "I need you to do something: keep a list of our staff and volunteers, and check for them every so often. If they need rest, encourage them to do so."


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