[open] Time it is past and I roam free

Apr 10, 2011 18:45

Who: lumenrelegandus and anyone
When: Early in the week
Where: The dojo, the streets, the path toward the Ruins and/or Hunting Grounds.
Format: Prose
What: As if any loss weren't bad on its own, sometimes it opens up past ones.
Warnings: I'm being bad for posting a new log without doing any tags for ongoing threads! I have company for a few days and am semi- ( Read more... )

hermione granger, !remus lupin, river tam, naruto uzumaki

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impossibly April 11 2011, 08:29:23 UTC
River had been sitting on the stone for some time, waiting. A place where paths could meet, she had felt it humming like a leyline under her bare soles until she followed it to where she was needed.

Elsewhere in the city unreadable women whose swords hit too close to home were drawing blood. River could taste it in the air, drenching the landscape like a bloody sunset. But the squabbles of monsters was nothing more than a bruise compared to the rawness she could feel Remus scraping over her as he came down the path.

There was a debt owed (My turn) from all the times at the dojo he had patiently, painstakingly, pieced together her jigsaw all of sky, picking up pieces the exact same shade of blue and fumbling them to where they belonged. The cracks are still there, aching, glaring when held up against - she'd thrown her Forge again, first arcana, fourth month, worst invasion. But then she'd watched it again, compulsively, biting her lip so hard that it bled ( ... )


lumenrelegandus April 12 2011, 18:50:38 UTC
He had a fantastic idea of coming on her dancing in the wild, long hair mingling with the branching shadows, feet not caring they were bare, She lightly fled on dancing feet And left him lonely still to roam In the silent forest listening. They were all of other worlds, here, but River was straight from some other galaxy.

"Yet knowing how way leads on to way," he murmured back, not knowing if it was strictly the same quote as hers, "I doubted if I should ever come back."

He looked down at their joined hands. He thought of sitting, seeing if she sat beside him; or of kneeling before her, for absolution; but felt just enough energy at the touch to keep flying walking. So he squeezed her fingers in invitation to go forward, without releasing hands, together.

"We shouldn't be here, you know," he said, making no move to lead them elsewhere.


impossibly April 17 2011, 22:39:01 UTC
River goes with him, or leads him, or falls into step: whichever, they are moving, slowly, like learning to walk, toe touching the ground before her heel like she's testing the way ahead, ankles with a ballerina's curve. They seem to be leaving the hewn path completely. She will walk the circumference of the city, never delving further into danger or back to civilization, hovering at a mid-point, splicing the two-fold path, the middle way.

"I learn by going where I have to go," River says, now quoting something else entirely. "This shaking keeps me steady. I should know."

It is obvious the way that Remus trembles on unsteady foundations, but she wants it in words, solid, definable, even if they are to be words she cannot truly understand. "I am exactly where I should be," she tells him. "Are you?"


lumenrelegandus April 22 2011, 22:32:29 UTC
He has never once lied to her. It's the rawness of this honesty that's new.

"I've rarely felt I belonged anywhere. I get along better here than many places I've been… but to what purpose?"

An adolescent feeling, he thinks, but unshakable.

"I believe that one thing happens after another because of a culmination of factors that are largely uncontrollable, unforeseeable, and unseen. We must act with purpose in the hopes of influencing causality with the nuance of our intentions, but it doesn't mean there is a larger plan.

"Except that we were brought here. Brought. Even if on a whim, there is agency in that ( ... )


impossibly April 24 2011, 12:00:04 UTC
There are three things River enjoys in her companions: people whose heads are interesting, people whose words are interesting, and people who make her feel normal. Lupin is a little of all three, even in soliloquy. She follows along, tries to keep each word alone and without association, finds that makes them meaningless sounds, restacks them to find there is more and less to them, more or less ( ... )


lumenrelegandus April 26 2011, 03:08:57 UTC
He nodded, almost as if (if only) sensing more of what she meant around what she actually said. Knowing she was right and he agreed, but sometimes he needed reminding. With a side thought that in switching roles she was succeeding admirably. -Then she said something that made his eyes lock on hers.


Though the Twins flashed instantly in his mind, a deeper, more resounding thought reverberated beyond rationality: Veneficus


impossibly April 26 2011, 08:19:38 UTC
Despite the circumstances, despite everything, she couldn't help but laugh a little bit. She was a creature built for learning: of course spending so much of her life in the care of others had taught her how to care herself. She's playful when she swings their hands and glances coyly up at him.

"Plural, non-gendered, non-specific. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio."


lumenrelegandus May 4 2011, 03:10:46 UTC
His creaking joints and too-tense muscles loosen, unlocked at the childlike gesture. He joins in the swinging. Manages a smile and responds with what may be their shared motto: "Qui docet discit."


impossibly May 5 2011, 08:58:45 UTC
"Qui docet discit," she repeats back, and if he's sad, if he's so sad, at least he's easy now, less evocative of a countdown or something balled and tense. Of course her mentor is all about flux, patterns where she has none, cyclical. But not predictable - never that.


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