Title: Little Things Pairing: Jack/Sky/Bridge Rating: PG-13 AN: No, I haven’t forgotten about this little ‘verse, I just haven’t had much inspiration for it lately. :(
Aw, that was, you know, I'm not sure what the adjective for that is, but it was definitely good. Sky jumping Jack, gloveless Bridge being invited to join in...I wonder how Jack looks in the glasses... ^_^ Love for this!
*grins* This grew out of a conversation I had with kikos-ai a while back. I actually planned to write it then but I never found the time or the energy. It did finally get written though. ;)
Hee. I always liked Bridge in the glasses too. I wish they would have shown more of that. Jack in glasses must also look cute. Apparently Sky thinks so. ;)
*watches the boys have their fun* Why no; I'm not a perv at all. What makes you ask that? lol.
Comments 8
*watches the boys have their fun* Why no; I'm not a perv at all. What makes you ask that? lol.
Ah, good times.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
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