nowgold wrote in
Jul 17, 2010 01:21
Fun Friday!!!
this is pretty much a top five meme. you can't do your top five ships....or your top five ships try to stick with sci-fi, but if you can't thats ok :D
1. Erica/Jack
2. Kara/Sammy
3. Kirk/Mccoy
4. Kaylee/Simon
5. Peter/Olivia
1. Serenity
2. Galactica
3. Destiny
4. The Enterprise
5. The Tardis (totally
scifiland puts the fun in friday
thebiggest_lie wrote in
Jul 09, 2010 02:49
Hey Scifiland! Time for another ~fun Friday post.
Post your fandom Desert Island top 5!
If you were stuck on a desert island, which 5 characters would you take with you?
Feel free to just make a list, use gifs or explain why you picked each person!
scifiland puts the fun in friday
nowgold wrote in
Jul 02, 2010 22:50
Fun Friday!
So you guys spam the heck out of my posts (yeah, you know i'm looking at you :D) So i figured we could have a bit of fun!!!
Share Your Desktop!
take a screenshot of your wallpaper/desktop, or upload your wallpaper! :D Share it with the rest of us. i'll put mine in a comment as an example :D
scifiland puts the fun in friday