Snippet Post #2

May 18, 2013 10:00

It's the fifteenth eighteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post!  Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)

Please include the following information in your comment:

Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)

If your snippet has adult content, you must ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

moon_blitz May 18 2013, 17:29:41 UTC
Note to mods: As far as I can tell I haven't gotten an invite yet to the support comm. Could I get one please ( ... )


del_rion May 18 2013, 17:45:52 UTC
Fandom: Captain America & Iron Man (MCU) / Matrix (fusion)
Any other info: Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are their MCU selves. Everyone else is a Matrix!AU version, if that makes sense.
“When they created the AI, I imagined the world filled with others like JARVIS - but they were nothing like him. They were dumb, lacked the emotional depth, and while they later constructed a concept of their own rights to exist, it never felt the same. Maybe it just would have taken a little more time - or a little more love ( ... )


bellacatbee May 18 2013, 18:19:22 UTC
Fandom: Supernatural/Grimm
Any other info: None ( ... )


pairatime May 18 2013, 19:00:44 UTC
Fandom: True Blood
Any other info: Hoyt/Jason, part three of three.

“Yeah…I should apology to her, maybe tomorrow I’ll st-,” Hoyt started to say, stopping as the trees and bushes near them started to shake and move, “Who’s there?” he called, stepping back and away from the crop of plant life, “Joshua get back,” he ordered, reaching out to put a hand between Joshua and whatever was in front of them.

It was a long moment before the someone who was making all the noise became almost visible through the tress and bushes. And it was clear he was coming right to them.

“Cop? Is that you? What are you wearing?” Joshua asked, peeking over Hoyt’s shoulder.

“That’s not Jason,” Hoyt answered for the other person,

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Any other info: Xander centric, Pack AU

“That must have been rough ( ... )


jesterlady May 18 2013, 19:41:21 UTC
Fandom: Doctor Who ( ... )


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