Pro tip: if you're using
TeXstudio and
SumatraPDF - which you probably are, since TeXstudio is the best TeX environment by far, and SumatraPDF is the best PDF reader -, you may be happy to learn that SumatraPDF actually supports
synctex files; simply go to Settings > Options, and set the ,,inverse search command line`` to something along the
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Comments 1
There is some problem with using " symbol in TeXStudio config.
So we can use the following solution: move it to bat-file.
Create file runSumatraWithInverseSearch.bat at the same folder with texstudio.exe:
"C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -forward-search "%1" %2 -inverse-search "\"%~dp0texstudio.exe\" \"%%f\" -line %%l" "%3"
(you can use relative path: "%~dp0..\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe")
Then TeXStudio Commands->External PDF Viewer set to
"[txs-app-dir]/runSumatraWithInverseSearch.bat" "?c:am.tex" @ "?am.pdf"
How does it work? [txs-app-dir] - is the path to texstudio.exe file. runSumatraWithInverseSearch.bat - is out bat-file with enought " symbols.
We pass tex-file name, line number and pdf-file names to bat-file.
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