No word yet, thanks, and an anniversary celebration...

Aug 26, 2007 08:56

As for the Whispers thing, I still haven't heard anything, and for a brief moment this morning, I thought that my profile and stories had been deleted as I'd requested, but no such luck. They're still there. However, it appears that someone has been working on the site. There's now a link to an authors' listing on the main page, even though you ( Read more... )

non-fandom, pics, fic

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Comments 51

ex_indykat261 August 26 2007, 14:04:56 UTC
Happy 50th Anniversary to Mom and Dad Logic/Swords! I loved looking at the photos you shared; it looks like all of you had a wonderful time. And I can see where you and your sister get your good looks from; Mom is very beautiful. :) I think this is the first time I've seen an up-close picture of her!

And the desserts? Whoa. Now those are desserts. :)

Congrats on your Quill to Parchment nomination!


scatteredlogic August 26 2007, 14:08:03 UTC
Aww, thank you, and yes, I agree, she's very beautiful. ~beams~

Oh, K, they were huge. It was just amazing.


firefly124 August 26 2007, 14:13:15 UTC
Sounds and looks like a wonderful time was had! Very nice pics. I got a kick out of the "distracted" group shot. Did the spoon suddenly jump or something? Because that's what it looks like they're looking at. *g*

Congrats on the nomination!


scatteredlogic August 26 2007, 14:25:23 UTC
Hee! They can't even remember what distracted them. We've all examined the photo and still can't figure out what it was. ;)



(The comment has been removed)

scatteredlogic August 26 2007, 14:26:26 UTC
Thank you! I'll pass that along to them. ;) (And yep, that's me. ~grin~ )

Ah, it really was a terrific restaurant, and we had such a wonderful time.


dmacabre August 26 2007, 14:18:54 UTC
Awww, great pictures, and happy anniversary to your Mom and Dad!

Now I wish I had a mile-high piece of cheesecake... The rest of your dinner sounded incredible as well. A churrascaria has just opened up near here, but I've never been and now I'm jealous. ;D


scatteredlogic August 26 2007, 14:28:13 UTC
Thank you, I'll pass along your good wishes!

Oh, the entire meal was wonderful, and that cheesecake was delicious. ;)

A churrascaria has just opened up near here, but I've never been and now I'm jealous. ;D

You should go. It was certainly worth it, but be sure that you're hungry. It's not a place to go when you only want a light snack. ~snerk~


dacian_goddess August 26 2007, 14:34:11 UTC
Wow! Happy 50th Anniversary to your parents!

Those are lovely pictures! Everyone looked like they were having a blast. :D Mm, and I think those have become the staples to which all future deserts will be held.

Congratulations for your nomination! Squee!

And I hope the Whispers issue is resolved soon. This is one of the few times I can safely say I'm glad that I only started writing five or six months ago. That should put me quite firmly under that idiot's radar. That kind of underhandedness and blatant plagiarism, in this day and age...


scatteredlogic August 26 2007, 14:39:18 UTC
Thanks! I'll pass along your good wishes.

We did have a blast, and you're absolutely right, those are the standards that we'll use to judge desserts from now on. ~grin~

Aww, thanks for the squee. ;)

I hope it's resolved soon, too. It's such an annoyance, and you're lucky to have missed his notice. (But I'd keep checking if I were you; others have seen their stories posted there since yesterday.)


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