No word yet, thanks, and an anniversary celebration...

Aug 26, 2007 08:56

As for the Whispers thing, I still haven't heard anything, and for a brief moment this morning, I thought that my profile and stories had been deleted as I'd requested, but no such luck. They're still there. However, it appears that someone has been working on the site. There's now a link to an authors' listing on the main page, even though you get error messages when you try to access anything past the first page of listings.

So, on to other things. ;) Thanks to whoever nominated "The Dunderhead Tax" for a Quill to Parchment award. I'm very flattered to be in such talented company!

Last night, knight0fswords, her husband, David, and I hosted my parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebration at Fogo de Chão. Don't read any further unless you're prepared for a long post about food and family, with bonus photo gallery.

Fogo de Chão is a Brazilian churrascaria, and I don't think I've ever eaten so much in my life. The biggest problem was resisting the temptation to eat too much from the salad bar. Fresh asparagus, hearts of palm, artichoke bottoms, smoked salmon, prosciutto, fresh mozzarella, marinated mushrooms... And that's just a few of the things at the salad bar. I passed on quite a few drool-worthy things because I'd been warned to leave room for the rest of the meal. Next we were served side dishes of garlic potatoes, tiny little popovers filled with cheese, plantains, and polenta. But the focus of the restaurant is meat, with the wait staff regularly bringing different grilled cuts of beef, pork, lamb, and chicken to the table. Rib eye, sirloin, filet mignon, parmesan pork, ribs, lamb chops, and that's just what I remember; there was more. If you just wanted a taste, that was no problem, they sliced off just a bit. If you wanted a lot, again, no problem. They kept coming to the table with more food until you told them to stop.

Everything was excellent, and the service was impeccable. We didn't wait for anything, ever. David, knight0fsword's husband, probably ate the most of all of us, but even he couldn't eat everything that was brought to the table, and he had every intention of trying. ~grin~ The manager stopped by to congratulate my parents on their wedding anniversary, and she sent out a piece of chocolate mousse cake just for them. knight0fswords had the tallest piece of cheesecake that I've ever seen, and David had papaya ice cream that was light and not overly sweet. I didn't think I could manage to eat dessert without bursting, but I did have a bite of cheesecake and a spoonful of the ice cream. ;)

Here's a link to the photo gallery with the pictures from last night. Click each thumbnail to see the larger picture. We had a wonderful time, and I think it shows. ;)

non-fandom, pics, fic

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