Last entry = APRIL FOOL'S JOKE! ;D

Apr 02, 2008 08:39

I guess I would NOT make a good reality show contestant, because I feel too guilty and sad/bad when I lie to people or manipulate their feelings. *blush* I'm too honest and kind (not that this is bad). I would probably be the first person voted off the show!!

The car vandalism/robbery situation I posted last night was an April Fool's Day prank. purplesquirrel and beckerbuns were correct when they hoped/wondered if the whole thing was a joke. It WAS! I'm sorry, though, that I got so many people upset for me and Flora. Thank you for all of your concerned comments, and I mean that sincerely!! *HUGS* *blush again*

There are two things that would have given away that it was false, if you knew about my parking habits or the inside of my car. (heehee) First thing: I don't park Flora outside on the street, where vandals or burglars could even get to her. I park her inside my safe, dry, warm GARAGE! Second thing: Flora doesn't have a radio/CD player. She only has an old-fashioned radio/cassette player, so when I mentioned that my CD deck was stolen, that was another tip-off that the whole thing was a fake story. The only TRUE part of that story was that I really was unsure about how much of the incident would be covered by my auto insurance. But I think I got that figured out, thanks to several people's helpful comments. :)

I actually had a very GOOD April 1st yesterday. :D I will blog about it later, because for now I have to hurry and eat breakfast and leave for a chiropractor appointment.

jokes, holidays

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