How my April 1st ACTUALLY went!

Apr 02, 2008 22:07

For those reading this on that distracting, cluttered mess known as a Friends Page, rather than at my actual journal -- if you didn't see this entry from this morning, please read it. :) I want to be sure everyone knows that the entry I wrote on April 1, about my car being burglarized and vandalized, was an April Fool's Day prank. I feel guilty and bad that I got so many people wound up about the incident. *blush*

My April 1 was actually a very good day. Here's why....

I fooled my mom twice on April Fool's Day. The first joke was when I was in the bathroom, and suddenly I ran out making this "whooping" sound that I tend to make when I get startled or scared about something. (You should hear the sound; it's quite amusing! *giggle*) Anyhoo, she was in another room of the house and yelled "what happened?" to which I replied that there was a spider in the bathroom. (I'm afraid of spiders, which I know is silly but I can't help it. *blush*) So she chuckled at the way I wigged out, and walked with me back to the bathroom so I could show her the spider. Then I grinned and said "April Fool!" and fortunately she found it funny and got a laugh. :D

The second time I fooled my mom, I was just about ready to leave for work. I made my cellphone ring, then answered it as though someone were calling me. I pretended that one of my co-workers, LG, was calling me from the office, telling me not to come to work because she had just arrived at work and called the police because she noticed the office had been broken into some time during the night. My mom, upon hearing my end of the conversation, could tell that someone at work had gone wrong, because she walked into the living room where I was on the phone, and was staring at me with a very puzzled/concerned look. I was just wrapping up my "call" at that moment. But darn it -- as soon as I closed up my phone, my face betrayed me! LOL! I started to smile and had to confess to my mom that the phone call was a fake! heheh I guess I would make a terrible liar, wouldn't I? Not to mention a bad poker player! ;D

At work, I fooled two co-workers. One was my friend (and fellow Bingo Belle) Becky R. and the other was our office manager BG. I sent them each an email, separately of course, asking if they had any secret admirers or guys who were trying to find them, because I'd just gotten a really weird and rambling voicemail message from a guy from their "past" who wanted to know if they worked out of the same office as I do, and if so, could I get him in touch with them. Becky came by my cubicle first, supposedly to listen to the mysterious message. However, her face was so contorted with confusion and anxiety that I confessed immediately. Her face immediately looked sooo relieved, and she started laughing!! She said that I really fooled her. When BG came to my cubicle, she put her hand on her hip and said: "Is this some April Fool's joke?" LOL!! I was so busted! ;D She wasn't aware of what I played on Becky, so I guess she just somehow figured I was playing a joke. And she was right! She was also a very good sport about it; it turns out she likes to play short, harmless jokes on people as well. *giggle*

Lunch was no joke, but rather was a delicious surprise! I was informed by LG that some people were going out for lunch that day at The Happy Bamboo vegetarian cafe. I was happy myself, because the last time a group of office friends went there was for Becky's birthday lunch, but I couldn't make it because it was on one of my days off, and I had a chiropractor appointment right when they were meeting for lunch. :( This time the lunch group was LG, Becky, YK, MY, JL and myself.

I'm so glad I got to try this place, because it was terrific! I encourage ANYONE in the greater San Jose area to try this place, or at least look at the menu! Becky's a vegetarian (not a vegan, though) and really likes Happy Bamboo. And now I see why! :) The menu has an amazing array of items, the majority of which are Asian themed. Of those Asian themed items, most were Vietnamese but also some Thai and Chinese, plus some "Western specialties". heh

I ordered "Au-Lac Vermicelli", which the menu also called "Bun Bi". Click here for a great photo of Bun Bi on the internet that looks almost exactly like mine, except mine also had pieces of crispy spring roll sitting on top. The menu described the dish thusly: "rice vermicelli, lettuce, bean sprouts, fresh mint and shredded cucumber, topped with peanuts, spring rolls and tofu, bean thread, veggie ham mixed with roasted rice powder, served with house dressing."

When I saw the presentation of it in Happy Bamboo, it reminded me a lot of Dolsot Bibimbap, one of my FAVE Korean dishes! Well, except Bun Bi was on a bed of noodles instead of rice, and it didn't have as many veggies as Bibimbap, and also it had spring rolls, which bibimbap doesn't have. I asked MY, who is Korean, if my Bun Bi reminded her of Bibimbap, but she only saw a very vague resemblance, and only barely. *chuckle* soojaebi, what do you think? ;D

daily life, jokes, family, work, friends, holidays, food

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