Luke Cage Episode 12

Oct 10, 2016 20:40

Ok, Method Man giggling when Luke exchanged hoodies was everything.

Awww!  He gave Luke a theme song!  And the drugstore owner selling holed hoodies made me laugh.  Nice show of solidarity mixed with humor.

It was weirdly endearing when Zip walked up to Diamondback dressed like Shades, including the glasses.  RIP, Zip.  You weren't ready for the big leagues but you managed to be an entertaining character all the same.

I legit thought Shades would die in that elevator, so props to him for not only surviving but getting the upper hand on everyone.

I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did when Luke threw Turk into the dumpster but Rob Morgan brings the funny so effortlessly.  "There's food in there too"  So does Mike Colter.

I've always enjoyed that one line from the Book of Revelation.  It's also the only one I know but that's beside the point.  It suits Diamondback so well, as do all of the snake symbolism.

Ok, Mariah and Shades as partners and going to Luke as allies?  YES PLEASE!!

Pimp Stormtrooper.  Hee!  Bobby is the best.

And Diamondback really does look like a snake in that getup.  Nicely done costume department.
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