stagesoflove complete

Jun 18, 2006 22:27

stagesoflove complete: brown, blue, purple, yellow, green-

title: The Earth Answers with Spring
with: Lindsay/Stella
rated: PG
herein: five colors - green
disclaim: me no own
note: title paraphrased from E.E. Cummings “o sweet spontaneous-"

The picnic had been Stella’s idea, and Lindsay had felt oddly relieved when it only involved throwing a blanket and some takeout into a tote bag and finding a shady corner of Central Park.

They’d eaten in relative silence and stretched out next to each other, close but not touching. Lindsay trails her hand off the blanket and threads it through the grass. They’re both on back-up this afternoon, and she pulls at several thick blades.

Spring crept through the city when she wasn’t looking. Now the trees are full of sharp leaves. Every winter Lindsay forgets how green the world can be, and now she lives in the city it feels even more unexpected.

The grass rubs between her fingertips but she doesn’t pull hard enough to rip it up.

Next to her, Stella’s eyes are closed, her face relaxed. A streak of sunlight makes it through the new leaves above them and strikes her hair. If Lindsay were to reach over, the curls would be warm to the touch.

Lindsay continues to rustle the grass with her fingers. She creases a blade with her thumbnail, splits it in half lengthwise.

Stella looks over at Lindsay and raises an eyebrow. Before she can speak, Lindsay leans closer and kisser her lightly. Stella kisses back, cups Lindsay’s face, and breaks into a lopsided smile when they separate. “Don’t avoid the subject.”

Lindsay puts a few inches between them. “What?”

“What were you thinking right before you kissed me?”

“I don’t know-that it was a nice day?”

Stella sighs and rolls onto her back again. She squints up into the branches above them, and Lindsay can’t miss the frown in her eyes.

“What?” The word comes out high pitched, and Lindsay doesn’t mean to sound defensive.


“Are you pissed off at me?”

“Lindsay, you’ll know when I’m pissed off at you,” she says quietly.

A breeze ruffles through the branches above them, and Lindsay takes a slow breath. She moves closer, resting her head on Stella’s shoulder, letting her arm fall across Stella’s waist.

She closes her eyes.

“I was thinking that spring always surprises me and about the sun on your hair and that it’s too beautiful to get called in today though I know that’s not true and it’ll probably happen and I don’t know what else.”

“There.” Stella’s arm sneaks around her waist. “Was that so hard?” She sounds like she’s grinning.

Lindsay doesn’t answer, and Stella tightens her hold.

“Was it?”

Lindsay tilts her lips against Stella’s shoulder. “Yes.”

Stella’s laughter vibrates against her body.

thanks for reading; feedback always appreciated

genre: ficlet, char: stella bonasera, fic, char: lindsay monroe, fandom: csi:ny, tone: refuge, grouping: nature of things to come undon, genre: girlslash, tone: adorkable

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