belated stagesoflove round three

Jun 07, 2006 00:13

one piece to prove i haven't given up on stagesoflove.

title: Before Dawn
with: Stella/Lindsay
rated: PG
herein: five colors - purple
disclaim: me no own

The smell here is like the sandy-sweet texture of pears. Stella stretches and runs a hand out across the mattress, under the cool sheet. She breathes deep against the pillow, feeling her face tense into a frown. Her fingers smooth beneath the sheets again but don’t meet the heavy warmth of a sleeping body.

Stella stretches again and arches her back before she can pry her eyes open and look out at the dim shapes of Lindsay’s studio apartment.

Across the room Lindsay is a darker shadow against the deep purple of the window.

“Hey,” Stella says, but her voice is dusty with sleep. The word doesn’t carry. She blinks the alarm clock into focus, and it’s just shy of five. Stella stretches once more and slips from beneath the covers.

Beneath her feet the floor is cold and alien. Lindsay’s leaning forward against the glass, looking up at the starless strip of sky.

“Hey,” Stella says again, and Lindsay’s body shifts a fraction.

Stella runs a hand down Lindsay’s spine, and beneath the threadbare t-shirt she can feel the words knotting.

Lindsay doesn’t say anything. She never says anything, and Stella doubts anyone else can recognize the shift within Lindsay’s body. Even Stella’s not sure what it signifies, not with any specificity.

And they were supposed to study small things.

Stella rests her lips against Lindsay’s shoulder and wonders why she gravitates to people who’d rather spend their life in clenched-jawed silence. But maybe it’s not a matter of preference. Stella’s palm slips beneath the t-shirt to the small of Lindsay’s back.

“Come back to bed,” she says.

thanks for reading; feedback always appreciated

genre: ficlet, char: stella bonasera, fic, tone: disconnect, tone: subtext, char: lindsay monroe, fandom: csi:ny, genre: girlslash

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