I mentioned earlier this week that I was having trouble with my laptop keyboard. Well, I took it to the Genius Bar, they said they could fix the keyboard for under $100, and I figured that was fine. "But wait," they said. "That's an impressive lag you have on booting. Maybe we ought to do something about that." They quoted me $310, a flat-rate
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Comments 8
I have PCs, so I am prepared for a potentially snarky response, but a 7-minute boot would be an absolute delight for me. (I define "boot" a bit more widely than, I think, Official Computerdom does -- for me, it's the length of time from turn-on until I can start working without computer sluggishness. WAY more than 7 minutes.)
Go ahead. Tell me about the wonderfulness of the Mac. I can take it.
Ah! It's lovely. :-)
You're absolutely right. Here's the thing: I keep thinking that I got this machine in, like, 2004. Apple's records show I actually got it in 2007 (they didn't even start making MacBook Pros until 2006), which only makes it 4 years old. The problems I was having had been going on at least a year if not more. With the new logic board, yeah, I'm gonna get a lot more mileage with this baby. Yay!
Also, I had some sort of dream last night where there was a party going on, and for some reason you were in it, having a great time and laughing a lot.
I don't remember anything else, but I thought you might enjoy knowing that your dreamself was out partying last night.
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