Nothing of substance

Aug 06, 2007 23:04

I realize that I have posted nothing of substance for days. For some reason, lately, I'm just not much in update mode. Perhaps that's partly because I'm living my life rather than writing about it. But for those who are curious, and for my own record keeping, I'll share the following ( Read more... )

weather, books, doctor who, room switcheroo, kenya

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Comments 4

steve98052 August 7 2007, 14:40:44 UTC
What shots did you have to get? Anything interesting you needed, but had already taken for something else? Did you get the shots from a travel doctor, regular doctor, or somewhere else? Which shots were the worst for you?

Looking up my own, I've had:

Tetanus (routine, but I think I updated in anticipation of travel), 2005

Yellow fever, 2001

Meningococcal, 2001

Hepatitis A, 1997 (and booster, 1999)

Typhoid, 1997

Tetanus-Diptheria, 1995

Polio, 1995

Influenza, 1995

Immune globulin, 1995

I know I've had influenza shots since 1995, but I didn't get them filled in on my vaccination card. Malaria doesn't go on the shot record either since it doesn't last long after the pills are finished, but I know I've had malaria pills a two or three times.

I think the worst of all the shots was the immune globulin, which I had in because I went to the travel doctor too close to our India trip to get a hepatitis A vaccination. Imagine getting a blob of fluid the size of a hazelnut and the consistency of runny honey injected ( ... )


scarlettina August 8 2007, 14:15:25 UTC
What shots? Um, Hep A, Hep B, typhus, tetanus-diptheria and something else; I don't remember off the top of my head. And then there will be the malaria pills while I'm there. My shoulders are both sore right now; the nurse who gave me the shots said they would feel like I'd worked out a little too hard, which is true. I'd just like the feeling to fade already.

And I got my shots at the UW Travel Clinic. I went to them for my Egypt trip years ago and they're very good. They really know what they're doing and they get you through quickly. Their consultations are very thorough. They had out an atlas to talk about exactly where you're going, they gave me a full briefing on what's needed and why, and the nurse was especially good with me; I'm not a fan of needles, and she managed things quickly and with as little pain as possible. I left with a fistful of pamphlets about staying healthy while traveling. Good stuff.


gaelfarce August 8 2007, 00:00:06 UTC
a Tardis USB? That's so frickin cool!


scarlettina August 8 2007, 05:01:24 UTC
It really is the height of Geek Chic!


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