Nothing of substance

Aug 06, 2007 23:04

I realize that I have posted nothing of substance for days. For some reason, lately, I'm just not much in update mode. Perhaps that's partly because I'm living my life rather than writing about it. But for those who are curious, and for my own record keeping, I'll share the following:

E came over on Saturday and helped me get through another coat of paint in the small room. I have one more wall that needs a third coat (did I mention that the color is called Cranberry Punch?), and that will finish the vertical walls. After that, I paint the ceiling and then I move in. Honestly, I can't wait, mainly because I'll be able to shift some of the clutter out of the living room at last. I know the room switcheroo is going to be worth it, but it's a lot of work in the meanwhile.

I can't ever remember it being so cool in August. This weather, she is freaky.

Got my last shots for the Kenya trip. My shoulders are sore, but at least the Band-aids are symmetrical. Still need to get that malaria scrip.

I have received my TARDIS USB hub. I have also received my copy of Short Trips: Destination Prague (with tips of the hat to kradical and stephen_dedman among others). I am a happy fan-girl.

And now I am off to bed.

weather, books, doctor who, room switcheroo, kenya

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