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Comments 9

grubbstreet December 28 2006, 05:40:55 UTC
The widespread rage with Comcast is starting to bubble up - this from this morning's Seattle Times' business section, which is usually rah-rah for industry.


The day is coming when the Net becomes a utility, like the water and the electric.


Utility status gaelfarce December 28 2006, 06:04:10 UTC
...is drawing closer for cellphones as well. They're still considered luxury items but have surpassed the subscription rate that AT&T (or their precursor) had when they were regulated.


deedop December 28 2006, 06:03:57 UTC
How infuriating. Our Comcast internet's been fine down this way, but Direct TV's another matter. They've moved the dish twice now and it still craps out on us with the slightest bit of weather. And of course every time we ask them to fix it, we have to scream till we're blue in the face or they charge us a full dish moving rate... as if none of this is the fault of their shoddy workmanship to begin with.


Comcast ladyjestocost December 28 2006, 06:04:03 UTC
I truly enjoyed the phone call I made to cancel my Comcast cable service. That was about 3 or 4 years ago, when we moved into the new house.

Service had been dreadful in our old place, and the bills went up every other month it seemed.

I was very happy to give my business to the satellite industry.


twilight2000 December 28 2006, 07:53:47 UTC
The Washington state Utilities and Transportation Commission has not received any complaints about Comcast over storm disruptions. But anecdotally, numerous customers report frustrations with the company's response.

Frankly, as long as this is the case, they'll continue to get away with it. The Commission needs to hear about how badly Comcast is doing their job. If they want to *be* Ma Bell of the 21st cenury, they need to come up to speed with servcie that earns them that position.

Write complaints. Get your pissed off neighbors to make complaints. This article only points up the Real Need for those complaints to be made formally to get any damn thing done.


scarlettina December 28 2006, 18:53:24 UTC
'Tain't the UTC that needs to know about this. In my case, turns out it's the City of Seattle. See the post I made this morning for more on the subject.


twilight2000 December 29 2006, 16:46:07 UTC
Saw it, commented, love it -- this was my knee jerk reaction from reading the article.

Kudos to you for doing the research -- as someone who only lost power and cable for 3 days, I can't really write them -- so didn't do the research this time.

But if, as robespierette says, some are considering making cable a public utility, we are going to have quite the fight on our hands in the near future. And you can bet I'll research THAT one :>.


garyomaha December 28 2006, 14:00:58 UTC
>>"The challenge is the situation is in a great deal of flux," he said.<<

Yeah. Their service will flux down and they will flux up. :)


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