Morning notes

Apr 29, 2005 08:19

Thank you!
Thanks to everyone for offering congratulations on the new job. I'm pleased at the prospect of new employment and appreciate the support.

Damned catSpanky did gravity experiments this morning. The subject: my glasses case. I woke up and it wasn't where it was supposed to be. I turned on the light and looked for it from the bed but, ( Read more... )

kitties, laundry list, writing, current events

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Comments 9

willowgreen April 29 2005, 08:41:28 UTC
I used to work with nuclear engineers, and, sadly, that mispronunciation is common even among people who have to say the word many times a day in their professional lives. I think Jimmy Carter did it too, so at least it's not a political thing.


shawn_scarber April 29 2005, 08:45:49 UTC
Here's the thing about Bush. I think it's all an act. I mean, come on, do you think he actually talked like that while he was at yale? He wasn't raised here in Texas, and I don't know about you, but I wouldn't pick up on an accent just because I lived and worked in someplace for a few years. In fact, go back and listen to some of his audio from when he was running for Governor of Texas and you can tell he's actually working on perfecting his Texas accent. Okay, sorry about the weird rant.

Anyway, well wishes in your direction for the workshop. A good group is hard to find.


scarlettina April 29 2005, 08:52:31 UTC
Here's the thing about Bush. I think it's all an act.

See, to me, that makes it even worse! He's feigning illiteracy! He's using it to come across as folksy and down-home-average. Despicable.

do you think he actually talked like that while he was at yale?

Heh. No, not at all. On the other hand, how many people actually believe he got into Yale on brain power?

sorry about the weird rant.

Not weird. I totally sympathize.

well wishes in your direction for the workshop. A good group is hard to find.

Thanks! And yes, a good group is hard to find, which is why I want into this one. One of the group just sold her first two solo novels. Another two just made their first short fiction sales. They're all good writers and good critiquers. Most of all, they're just good, fun people. I understand their desire for an audition process. At the same time, it taps the part of me that always wanted to be one of the cool kids, and so strikes the same nerve. I can't wait until this is over one way or another.


malkingrey April 29 2005, 09:18:00 UTC
Why does President Bush insist on saying "nukular" when discussing atomic weapons of one kind or another, while the members of his party describe their attempts to dismantle the rights of the Congressional minority as the "nuclear" option? Is the distinction that "nukular" is a literal term and "nuclear" is figurative? Or is it just that Bush revealed his own illiteracy early enough in his first term that to now change his pronunciation would be admitting to his own deficiencies in a spectacular way and he doesn't want the embarrassment?I suspect that it has more to do with a particular speaker's idiolect than with subtle distinctions between literal and figurative uses of the term. The presence of the "other consonant+l" cluster in an intervocalic position isn't a common one in English, and more than one regional dialect handles the problem by inserting an unstressed mid-vowel sound between the two parts of the consonant cluster. (People who say "nucular" probably also say "athaletic" and "athalete", for example.) If I recall ( ... )


scarlettina April 30 2005, 06:58:54 UTC
Fair enough, especially in a broader context. I guess my dislike for the man has excluded the possibility that this is a genuine dialect issue rather than a put-on for political effect. I just think it makes him sound ignorant of a fundamental issue.

On another subject entirely, I understand you'll be in my neighborhood for Writer's Weekend! I hope we can find some real time to say hello. I was rushing between panels when we ran into each other at WorldCon and I'd love more than 5 minutes to chat with you and Himself.


marinarusalka April 29 2005, 10:14:15 UTC
Feline misbehavior seems to be the order of the day. Arafel got into roomie's bathroom yesterday, climbed up on the counter, stole a clothespin and hid it somewhere where no one can find it. I caught her later, trying to make off with another clothespin. And after I took it away and scolded her, she had the nerve to curl up on my chest and purr. Cheeky little thief.


scarlettina April 30 2005, 06:59:37 UTC
Evil beasts, the pair of them!


I think it appeals to Bubbas everywhere webcowgirl April 29 2005, 11:55:23 UTC
Oh my God you're so cold and I am REALLY laughing.


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