Busy, delightful weekend

Jun 23, 2015 07:11

It's been busy days around chez scarlettina. Planning for this past weekend actually started months ago when garyomaha told me that he and elusivem were going to be in Seattle for a visit. We made some plans--and then suddenly davidlevine was available for a visit the self same weekend. And so began the social whirlwind that this weekend became ( Read more... )

concerts, friends, nice days, seattle, music

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Comments 1

garyomaha June 30 2015, 22:32:57 UTC
Now that we're back home...

Agreed, agreed Good people and good times.

We had visited the Ballard Locks a few days earlier. Always one of our favorite spots to visit.

As Don and Clark pointed out, there are so many construction cranes in Seattle and so many changes going on!


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