Doctor Who!

Sep 22, 2012 22:44

It's been way too long since I posted about Doctor Who on Game Day!

Dinosaurs on a Space Ship made me question my world view when it came to Chris Chibnall but this week made me realize that he's not completely reformed...but is getting there.

I loved, loved, loved the Pond Stuff. This is my favorite Pond season and they've been delightful. I really like how we're getting to peek inside their snowglobe lives when it is all calm and serene, just before the Doctor arrives and everything is shaken and turned upside down. I appreciate how they are questioning their choices and making decisions - together - and in ways that don't involve alternate universes, walking the earth for a year that wasn't or, you know, having your brain wiped. Even if their departure is, ultimately, filled with angst, we've seen them have a good life and know that their decision to travel with the Doctor, or not, is on their terms. *heart*

AND SO MUCH SPARKLY LOVE FOR KATE STEWART! Can we have her back? A RL friend emailed me asking who "Kate Stuart's" father was and I got to introduce a new fan to The Brig. It was a good night.

The invasion bit was even quite good. Cubes - they are like the pet rocks of invasionary forces. I totally would have had them on my desk.

Unfortunately, the rest of the cube bit was sort of shit. I mean, why were the weird orderlies running around kidnapping people? Who was Darth Vadar light? Is this something I need to Google? If this was a Classic Who reference they did a really poor job explaining it to new(er) fans. And I'm really, really getting tired of "magic wand" setting on the sonic screwdriver. I mean, the whole solution to this year-long issue was to run the screwdriver over a display monitor for 20 seconds and Hey Whoa - Everyone Lives! The Tally is over now! Have a nice cup of tea and forget about this silly nonsense, Darth Vadar Light certainly won't be back to check up on things, nooooo. Oh, and don't worry about the fact that you were dead for a while there, we've restarted your heart and everyone is as good as new, no pesky brain damage or organ failure to ruin the story!

Really? I get that the invasion was just a framing device to Talk About The Ponds but as far as storytelling goes it was lazy and not good.

But - Kate Stewart! That almost makes up for it.

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