50th Anniversary - The First Doctor!

Jan 28, 2013 08:08

Last night was the first BBC America "Looking Back" special and it was far better than I anticipated.  I'll be honest, the last round of  BBCA specials were a bit too much "VH1: We Love the Doctor!" for my tastes.  Inane comments by tangentially connected talking heads does not a good special make. Then again, I'm not sure I was their target audience since I'm really quite familiar with the TARDIS, the fact that the Doctor can regenerate and that there are awesome companions.

Pulling in Steven Moffat, David Tennant, Peter Purves, William Russell and John Barrowman (for comic relief and who I may not forgive for slagging off "The Gunfighters"!) showed a seriousness of purpose that the previous specials, IMO, didn't have.  My guess is they filmed a bunch of stuff with Moffat, Tennant and Barrowman that will be stitched in with other commentators throughout the year.  Either way, I'm really looking forward to it!  Although I did LOL when Tennant said something along the lines that using time travel as an escape clause sort of ruins the dramatic tension.  *cough*

And finally, FINALLY my Shada DVD arrived in the mail.  I'm not all that fussed about Shada because really, haven't we talked that non-ep to death? BUT there are some lovely special features that I can't wait to dig into. I am so easy for a good extra. I have a feeling (STRONGLY telegraphed from my twitter feed) that the "Being a Girl" bit will be knuckle-whitening but I'm withholding judgment until I see it for myself.  We're discussing it on an upcoming episode of Verity! which I'm sure will prove to be...spirited. ;-)

So, hey flist...who's going to Gally this year? :D

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