Episode 32 - Slashers on the Street Transcript

Jul 02, 2012 20:04

Slashers on the Street Transcript
Host: treewishes

Note from your transcriber: Not everyone gives their name so they're given letters in alphabetical order. I may have mis-judged who is speaking in a couple of places, my apologies.

Treewishes: Tell me your name and what you love about Con.Txt

Shauna: [Laughing] I’m just Shauna and I love being buttonholed by people with recorders.

Treewishes: Okay we’re going to cut that part. No seriously.

Shauna: I helped run a panel on small fandom speed dating which was awesome because lots of people got to talk about their very tiny fandoms and pimp them which was exciting. And-

Treewishes: And there were winners and losers

Shauna: Well everybody won a prize, but it was like the dating game so everyone went home with a new fandom that they won.

CJ: I’m CJ Andre, I’m here volunteering at the Art show this year, I’ve been at every Con.Txt and I always come, even after I moved to Tennessee because Con.Txt is a place to meet my slasher friends from when I lived in the DC area and it is routinely awesome. This con is in a great location because you can stay in the hotel and actually have everything you need if you want. I was talking earlier to one of my roommates, who, her preferred style of con going is just get to the hotel and kind of button up and not have to go anywhere, which is- this hotel provides all of that. Or if you want to go out it’s really close, I’ve found it a pleasant stroll, gone out a couple of times. Just kind of go over and it’s- the place we were going to, I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s kind of cen- there’s a lot of different things in it, got a very pleasant public space and we could be like ‘oh, look there’ and we had Japanese and then there was a Thai place upstairs and there was different kinds of restaurants around and just kind of pick one, it was pleasant, easily seated, and we had a nice time, planned a panel and then could come back and it wasn’t some sort of an huge excursion. People- other people I sat with the other night just popped out to a movie, and it wasn’t even Avengers, which, you know- [CJ and Treewishes chuckle]

Treewishes: Does that-

CJ: I know, is that allowed I shouldn’t even- but it was because the theatre was right there.

Treewishes: Right.

CJ: So it’s really a good mixture.

Treewishes: So, you’re at Con.Txt.

Person A: I am, I’m so lucky, I’m surrounded by all these cool people.

Treewishes: Have you been to a panel yet?

Person A: Yes, I went to a panel about gender and sexuality.

Treewishes: What did you think?

Person A: I felt really old, they kept talking about ‘when I was growing up in the 1980s’. [Treewishes bursts out laughing] I grew up in the 1960s honey, and they were going ‘I grew up in the 80s and I heard that back in the 60s…’ and I was like, ‘well, I’m really the second oldest person in this room.’ But it was lovely panel.

Penguin: I’m Penguin, I’ve been to Five Minute Fandoms, BBC Sherlock, Speculative Erotica, Vorkosigan, possibly some others but I can’t remember them now.

Treewishes: But they were all fun?

Penguin: They were all fun. And there was-

Treewishes: I’m prompting!

Penguin: [chuckles] What was nice is that were big panels where there were lots of, lots and lots of great opini- loud opinions, and then there were quieter more reflective panels and both were kind of nice to have. It’s nice to be in the room that has the energy of everybody wants to say something and then also in the more laid back panels, so it was a nice contrast.

Treewishes: That’s great.
And have you been to any panels, ma’am?

Person B: I have, which is pretty much more than I did at Escapade so that was really nice. [Treewishes laughs] I went to gender and sexuality, which wandered off topic which made me sad, it was an interesting discussion, but it was not the discussion that I have intended to have when I went there. And I did not make it to the diversity in fandom panel and I see synecdochic over there and that’s what reminded me, because she modded it, and that makes me sad because that would have been fun.

Treewishes: But you can’t do everything!

Person B: I was having a good conversation, dammit! So I’m going to walk out on good conversation and go have a good conversation; that seems kind of productive. And I was in BBC Sherlock, and I was in the age disparities panel, and I’m going to go to half the Justifed panel and then walk out-

Penguin: No! I’m co-modding the Justified panel. She’s going to walk out so that we can have a flame war, so we can have a grudge wank.

Person B: Yeah I’m gonna walk-

Penguin: And so she can get on an aircraft.

Person C : [in background] Are we scheduling grudge wank?

Penguin: Yeah.

Person B: Yeah, I’m gonna, I’m gonna-

Person C: Can I play?

Treewishes: Yeah.

Person B: Yeah, I’m walking out on the Justified panel, that my friend is modding even.

Person C: Ohh.

Person B: And boy is that going to hit the intertubes.

Penguin: Let me tell you.

Person C: I can start a flame war with you if you’d like.

Penguin: That’d be fun. Let’s do.

Person C: But-

Person D: I’m one of those people pimping Avengers comic book fandom which is - you know I always have a little problem with the word pimp, I feel it should only me get people excited about shit you really love, as opposed to, you know, sell people for money, in a abstruse kind of way.

Treewishes: So we’re at the dance party tonight, Friday night, at Con.Txt, it’s called Disco Duck.
What fandoms did you come to Con.Txt to talk about?

Person E: Comics Avengers and I might have been talking about Tombstone. Yeah, I talked about Tombstone in the rare fandom panel, but mostly the entire time that I grew up living near DC I was never able to come to this and this Muskrat Jamboree are like the only cons on the East Coast ever, so-

Treewishes: I’m so glad you made it.

Person E: Yes! For five years now I’ve been like 2012 we have to come to Con.Txt my fandom will finally be cool at Con.Txt, the Avengers movie will come out, we have to come to Con.Txt.

Treewishes: What fandoms did you come to talk about?

Person F: You know, I’m kind of falling out of fandoms, so I was looking to be pimped into new fandoms.

Treewishes: And?

Person F: And there has been some of that, so.

Treewishes: Speed dating!

Person G: Fandom speed dating. The fandom speed dating was awesome! And I also came here for the meta so I like that kind of discussion. But the Community Panel was great-

Treewishes: Right.

Person G: -and I’m really excited about the Haven panel tomorrow. The Hunger Games panel, so sort of newish stuff.

Person H: And Avengers. I kind of have to go dance to this song, it’s [can’t catch]. But until then I’m excited because I didn’t think there would be anybody here who was into Hockey RPF, which is my new thing, but a friend of mine, we decided to do a DIY panel tomorrow, so we’ve been trying to recruit people and we’ve found more than two people, so… it’s a surprise.

Person G: You thought you were the only one.

Person H: I was pleasantly surprised.

Mags: I’m Mags, otherwise known as penguingal and we’re here, actually Jackette and I are both here because we run Travel Forces in Collegeville, which is also a slash convention.

Treewishes: I always meant to go.

Mags: Please come, we’re holding it again next year. So we wanted to come and a. support Con.Txt and b. find out how things are run here and see if we can get any ideas. Plus I’ve been a slasher since I got into fandom in 2002 and I’m happy to always come talk to other slashers.

Treewishes: We have plenty of them.

Jackette: I’m Jackette, and I am actually one of the founders of Tribal Forces, so it is, I was here, not here to Connexions years ago and have been meaning to get back down to come see what Con.Txt was all about. And we just kind of struck at this year and we were like ‘let’s go!’

Treewishes: Excellent.

Jackette: So far we’ve had a good time, lot of great people.

Treewishes: There are a lot of great people

Rebecca: My name is Rebecca, I’m here because mainstream fandom, I don’t think the people are very nice, I think there’s a lot of negativity and with this group - the slash community is a nice community and it’s a safe community. And I can talk about things here I can’t talk about anywhere else and my favourite fandoms are Queer as Folk and the Donald Strachey Mysteries and I can find strangers to talk to [Treewishes laughs gleefully] and they’re not strangers any more. And I wish you guys would do this every year, but I’ll take every other year. I’ll take what I can get. Thank you.

Janet: I’m Janet, I’m namecat online and I’m a dealer. So I’ve come here to sell jewellery and because I love it. I’m a slasher and I just, these are the nicest people. It’s a really great little con.

Treewishes: So what do you think about the layout? That the dealers are integrated in.

Janet: Oh it’s great. I love this. I feel like I’m- you know, big cons the dealer’s room is a thing unto itself and you kind of feel kind of isolated. But these wonderful little cons I’m right in the middle of everything and I think it’s great.

Treewishes: It’s why we call it the con suite(sweet).

Janet: Yes. Very sweet. [chuckles]

Person I: Subtext is Not the Only Text was a great panel.

Treewishes: Was that good?

Person I: Yeah ‘cause there were lots of recommendations and first she just went through and everybody just came up with things you would like to recommend and write, write, write, write, wrote ‘em all down and then she went through ‘em and sort of - you know we didn’t have time to go into detail on everything but she would point things out and be like ‘okay, quickly, give us a gloss on… what this is and why we should look at it’, or read it, watch it, listen to it. And you know, ‘five minutes to go through all the Avengers titles that you’ve me- all the Marvel titles you’ve mentioned: Go’, ‘ok, now DC’-

Treewishes: And there are people in the room that can do that?

Person I: Yes. And it was very handy and people were getting interested piqued and now it means you can go home from the con and go ‘hmm I took these notes and … pile of new things.’

Person J: Highly amused by this part where she would would say ‘And this one is from an independent small press and you should actually buy it.’

Person I: You should buy it. Yeah, remember, she kept saying ‘that’s the theme of the panel, is that you buy it and then they’ll make more. So buy these things.’

Person J: This is the stuff you should buy, this is the stuff you can, you know, trip over it anywhere on the internet… cough.

Person I: And it’s nice when people have that knowledge and they can kind of break it down for you, ‘cause I wouldn’t know where to start with that much stuff all over.

Lucy: I’m Lucy, I’m here via Florida and Missouri kind of at the same time, it’s my first con.

Treewishes: Woohoo!

Lucy: Yeah, I got, like, kidnapped to come up here when the Dresden panel was being formed so that we could actually have fandom here. Literally one of my friends decided ‘I’m going to fly up the entire fandom for this, everyone come over.’ And it’s been really wonderful experience making me feel like I’m not so insular. And not just talking to people through a screen, there’s actually faces now, which is really kind of great. It’s like the same thing I get from Slash Report times ten, I just like more ways for fans to connect.

Green Gome: I’m Greengome and I have come from England. Dresden Files fandom and, yeah, basically just an excuse to meet everybody from twitter and things and it’s very exciting. And I don’t have any fannish friends at home so it is nice to be, like, among my people [Treewishes laughs] and just running around and saying things that people understand and, yeah, it’s just really cool. And I like the breakfast because I’ve had syrup. So, yeah, it’s all good.

Person K: And apparently they don’t have syrup in England.

Green Gome: We have syrup, but we wouldn’t really throw it all over our breakfast normally. But here it’s cool and there’s a giant vat of it and a ladle, and it’s runny and goes all over your plate, it’s amazing. So.

Treewishes: And it goes on everything.

Green Gome: I’m going to be easily excited by many things this weekend, I apologise.[several people are laughing by this point] But yeah.

Person L: I went to Old Fandoms Never Die.

Treewishes: Do they never die?

Person L: They never do. I mean even, people would say ‘well, sometimes they were near death but you never know there are some who everybody thought were [more….] but they did pop back up.

Treewishes: Great.

Person L: That was very interesting.

Treewishes: Say that again.

Two voices from background: Zombie fandoms.

Treewishes: They cannot be killed. Excellent.

Person L: We had a lovely time there.

Brad: I had a wonderful time at the con, this is Brad, saying goodbye Con.Txt and I’ll see you in two years.

Transcribed by: angelbabe_cj

slashers on the street, episode 32

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