LGBT News- Episode 32 Transcript

Jul 02, 2012 00:52

LGBT News Transcript
Host: wook77

Wook: I’m wook77 and this is LGBT news segment for Slashcast episode 32. June was Pride month here in the US and there were tons of awesome celebrations, so if you marched in Pride Parade we’d love to see photos in our comments area.

We start the news off this month with a sad loss. The last known living gay Jewish Holocaust survivor has passed away. Gad Beck died at the age of 88, on June 24th, at his residence in Germany. Mr Beck was quite the hero, as he impersonated a Hitler Youth to rescue his boyfriend from an internment camp, but unfortunately his boyfriend refused to leave his family and was later killed. Mr Beck then worked with a Zionist resistance group. His life has been chronicled in multiple documentaries, including Paragraph 175, and The Life of Gad Beck. On life as a gay Jew he once famously said “G-d doesn’t punish for a life of love.”

A lesbian couple was shot in a park in Texas and details are sketchy right now. One of the teens has died and another remains in serious condition. The two teenagers had been dating for about six months previous to the shooting.

The Salvation Army is backtracking and doing some major ass-covering after an Australian official implied that gays should be put to death for simply being gay. I’ll include a link to that exchange and some of the ass-covering they’ve since performed.

Chuck Norris might be able to fell a thousand foes with an epic roundhouse kick, but he’s sort of an epic dick to the LGBT community. He’s recently said that Obama is cramming his pro-gay agenda down the throats of those poor picked-on Boy Scouts. To which I say, just shut the fuck up.

In a bit of ‘haha, fuck you’ sort of news, the Maryland Marriage Alliance, a group of bigots looking to repeal the marriage equality law, is in massive amounts of debt. Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the group looking to keep the marriage equality laws on the books raised more in a day than the bigots did in an entire month. Ha-ha.

Long-time San Francisco gay rights advocate Larry Brinkin has been arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography. Computer forensics specialists are continuing to work on his computer, and Larry Brinkin worked for 22 with the Human Rights Campaign out there on pen laws such as the city’s Equal Benefits Ordinance.

The NBA has fined a player, a gentleman by the name of Stottlemeyer, $50,000 for using a gay slur at a fan. In light of the You Can Play initiative in Ice Hockey it would be wicked cool to see it expanding to all professional sports. The You Can Play initiative has spread to college sports for everything from football and hockey to lacrosse, so it would be awesome if it moved on to other types of different professional sports.

Andy South, a Project Runway contestant from season 8 now identifies as a female and has since come out on Facebook and is chronicling her journey right now.

Showing the ridiculousness that is anti-gay bigots there has been quite a bit of backlash against Oreos on Facebook after they posted a rainbow coloured Oreo on their Facebook page in support of Pride. To which I say: Really? It’s a fucking rainbow coloured Oreo, you stupid assholes.

The State of Illinois Attorney General’s Office will not defend the bigoted anti-marriage laws there any longer. This is awesome news as equality spreads further and further.

Speaking of marriage equality, congratulations to Mary Cheny, Dick Cheny’s daughter, as she recently married her long-time partner, Heather. The date was actually twenty years to the day after their first date and they have two children between them.

And that’s it for the news this month, if I missed a big story drop us a line in our comments.

Transcribed by angelbabe_cj

lgbt news, episode 32

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