Sometimes I feel like I live in my own little country.

Feb 17, 2010 16:32

Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancyIt always cracks me up when people are shocked by the things I've never seen/heard/been to. Like, when I would say that I've never been to Costco. lol, well, I did go recently, and quite frankly, I don't get the big whoop. There's just no way the average American family of 3-4 people needs to buy so many things ( Read more... )


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Comments 39

catita_jolie February 18 2010, 09:03:38 UTC
HAHAHA Loved this post. Such a crack up!


sbertie February 19 2010, 03:02:18 UTC
hee, glad you got a laugh! :)


madderbrad February 18 2010, 13:28:22 UTC
I am almost as anachronistic as you; I own a pair of jeans and I think 'the girl in the Twilight movies' is rather pretty (having seen only the trailers, mind you). But otherwise we're in complete accord.


(We live in the robot side of the world, natch.)


sbertie February 19 2010, 03:03:08 UTC
lol, I don't think she's UNpretty. Just super sour looking.


demosthenes91 February 18 2010, 15:40:00 UTC
You know your ass would look fine in a pair of jeans - why deny the world?

And get thee to a Lady Gaga mp3!


sbertie February 19 2010, 03:05:04 UTC
lmao, I've got a fat ass. And my thighs aren't great either. I'd probably have to spend hours trying on jeans. lol, I don't see the point. It's not like people would ever notice that I don't wear jeans or anything.

HA no, I kind of like that I have no clue about what this chick is all about. It pleases me for some bizarre reason.


caalan February 18 2010, 16:43:50 UTC
LOL! Those points have made my day. Paula Deen killing us all with churned dairy products and bacon fat!

I used to love Project Runway, but now it's background chatter on laundry day.

I adored Kristin Bell in Veronica Mars but her movies...bleh.

I don't think I've even seen an Amy Adams movie. This could possibly be a good thing then, yes?


sbertie February 19 2010, 03:07:33 UTC
That woman is trying to destroy America with fried food and her dead, doll eyes.

And practically everyone thinks Amy Adams is all great. I just find her and Kristen Bell to be tiring, like it's not completely natural to me. All very "Look at me! I'm ADORABLE!"


heron_advocate February 18 2010, 22:23:42 UTC
I barely know who Lady Gaga is, even though she's apparently everywhere lately, and completely popular? Of course I also know jack shit about Taylor Swift, and I actually LISTEN to country music.

I hate Project Runway, because it is boring. I used to kind-of watch it with my roommates for some reason I'm not sure of. (Because it's what they were always watching, and I guess I was hanging around? I have no idea.)

I've never seen American Idol, either. I may have seen five minutes of it and decided right then that I didn't like it. I'm good at making snap-judgments like that.

I might have more to say, but I just forgot that I'm late for an appointment at Chuck E. Cheese. I realize I sound like I'm joking, but I'm actually not.


sbertie February 19 2010, 03:09:36 UTC
HA, once again we prove we are soul mates. OMG, though, project runway IS boring. It's a show about WATCHING PEOPLE SEW. Jesus christ. the few cute clothes I saw weren't nearly enough to counter the boredom.

I might have more to say, but I just forgot that I'm late for an appointment at Chuck E. Cheese. I realize I sound like I'm joking, but I'm actually not.
HAHAHAHA this was one of the best things I've read on lj ever.


heron_advocate February 19 2010, 03:22:38 UTC
There's that and the fact that I don't care about fashion AT ALL. I can't even really wrap my head around caring about clothes that much, but whatev. At least it's not as stupid as The Bachelor. Seriously. I never watched it really, but it comes on right before Castle, so sometimes I watch the last few minutes while waiting for it to come on. I can't believe people would actually watch that show and think it was GOOD.

Also I had fun at Chuck E. Cheese. A new personal best on Mrs. Pac-Man. But some kid who was a total jerk just walked up while I put a token into a shooting game and took the player 2 controller. I was like WHO THE FUCK INVITED YOU OVER. And apparently his gun wasn't working and he wanted MINE. omg I wanted to smack him so hard.


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