Sometimes I feel like I live in my own little country.

Feb 17, 2010 16:32

Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
It always cracks me up when people are shocked by the things I've never seen/heard/been to. Like, when I would say that I've never been to Costco. lol, well, I did go recently, and quite frankly, I don't get the big whoop. There's just no way the average American family of 3-4 people needs to buy so many things in bulk. This is why everyone's house looks like cluttered crap and why no one wants people to open their closets or look in their garages.

Anyways, the Costco thing is just one of many ways in which I seem to be completely out of touch with popular culture. And for my own fancy being tickled, I thought I'd list some of them:

• I have no idea who this Kate woman who was married to some Jon dude is.
• I think Paula Deen is a terrorist working for Al-Qaeda.
• I think this girl in these twilight movies looks like all her sphincters must be made out of lemons.
• I've never seen American Idol. Ever. Therefore I have no idea who most of the people you talk about are.
• I watched Project Runway for the first time. I think it's boring.
• I don't own jeans.
• I would have sworn that JD Salinger was already dead.
• I haven't eaten at a chain restaurant (chili's, cheesecake factory, olive garden, denny's, etc.) in maybe 5 years.
• I find this Amy Adams actress to be annoying as fuck.
• I would rather watch Amy Adams movies for 24 hours straight than watch Kristen Bell for even 5 minutes.
• While I've heard of Lady Gaga, I've never actually heard Lady Gaga.

lol, I could seriously go on and on. I don't know why any of you people are friends with me. Now off to tutor for a bit! :)


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