I suppose I could have talked about the weather

Feb 18, 2010 18:18

Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
ha, I don't know about great detail, I don't think you want to know what time I brushed my teeth or what clothes I wore or crap like that. But to be honest, it's been a fairly uneventful day, though still a rather pleasant one. After rolling out of bed and getting ready, I went over to the Fresh store at the Grove to get some new mascara (I'm rather a fan of the supernova; I have really sparse asian lashes, and that shit makes them actually look full). And then I made my way over to the farmer's market to get some tomatoes and some dried lavender, and some cheap wine over at Cost Plus (sorry, it'll never be "world market" to me, just can't get used to that). Then I went down to Joan's on Third (no celebrity sightings, sorry), which is always nice, to have lunch with my friend (the one whom I had the Olympics night with). The sandwiches there are pretty darn good, though maybe not as great as some people would make them out to be. A lot of people like it for more the market aspect of the shop, but the one thing I really love about that place is that they serve breakfast until 2pm, which is a trend that I think should be replicated the world over. So I had breakfast for lunch (a breakfast sandwich and potatoes, sooo healthy) and basically used up my calorie allotment for the day. We hung out for a long time, making fun of all the women who spend hundreds of dollars on those ridiculous velour pants and hoodies. lol, you wouldn't catch me dead in those things. ha, we really are horrible bitches when we're together. We also like to count up how many spackled women we see at a given time. (You know? Those women who think that a thick coating of primer and foundation is the way to make themselves look younger?)

After that there wasn't much before I tutored. omg, this one kid I tutor on Tue/Thur is such a case. He's just entered puberty and he's always staring at my boobs. lol, like, ALWAYS. And it's not like I'm wearing low cut tops or something. tbh, I think I normally look kind of gross when I tutor. But I think that if I said something it would end up really embarrassing him and hurt our tutoring sessions. I'm probably going to ask his dad to talk to him; about boobies in general, and maybe not even mention mine in particular. Maybe that way he'll just be (at least a little) more aware of his tendency to lock on target.

Anyways. That all sounded a bit boring! I've definitely had more eventful days in the past week or so. But also, I guess I've had a bit on my mind. See, I think a friendship I've had for a long time is over. This is really difficult for me. The thing is, while I'm friendly with a lot of people, and have a decent social life, I'm not really friends with many people. I don't know, people just don't see me that way normally. I'm the girl they like to go out and have fun with. And that's fine. Really, I've gotten used to it, I've sort of always been that way. All the way back since high school I was that popular girl who got along with everybody but had very few CLOSE friends. But a consequence of that is that I tend to hold on to my real friendships, maybe to past the point where I should hang on. I'm an upfront person, and when things aren't going well, I want to address the problems and resolve them. And maybe, I'm also sort of an intense person. So I put a lot of effort into these relationships, because I'm scared to lose them. And this particular friendship... well. I've put SO MUCH effort into it. And I know this friend has taken advantage of this for a long time. Once I even told him that I feel like that stupid ass tree in that book? The Giving Tree? God, I LOATHE that book, because I'm all, fucking stupid tree! Have some fucking self respect! But that's what this relationship has turned into. I'm the tree, and all that's left is this pathetic stump begging for someone to sit on it. It's just that over the years I've invested so much into this thing that it's hard for me to just walk away. I just don't know what's wrong with me in terms of resolve. I mean, I've broken up with men fairly easily, I don't know why I can't just walk away from a friendship. Ugh. I just know that at the last minute he'll say something about how important I am to him and because I'm weak and I WANT to believe him, I'll say I believe him even though I know it's a lie. Oh dear. I've got to do this, right? I mean, I know I haven't given THAT much detail, but I think it's pretty obvious that I don't like the person that this relationship turns me into. It just makes me so sad. When you have so few people in your life who you feel really know you, it's hard to let go of even one.

ACK ENOUGH. Sorry if you read all that, I hate sounding so pathetic and wishy-washy! On an up-note, I'm going to see Jon Brion tomorrow! I'm so excited, I haven't seen him since Largo moved from it's old Fairfax location, which, now that I think about it, really was ages ago. Anyways, I think it'll be great, he's such a fantastic entertainer. :)

los angeles, feelings and crap, quizzes/memes, just an update

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